Chapter 76 Helping Hand.

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There's really no other way to describe the situation than ironic.

Ironic, because entering the resturaunt, Aaron and I had both looked over the large bolded sign that listed the specials of the evening along with the wine selections. The one delicacy of the night had in fact been: Lobster and chive soup. Yeah. 

After having said soup splashed generously into my lap I really can't say I'd recommend it in the future.

Sometimes a certain incident happens where it's so embarassing you just might have the privilege of going numb to the whole thing and coming back to yourself afterwards. Those times were miracles. 

This, unfortunately was not one of those times. 

The initial shock of having scolding hot liquid dumped into my lap had me leaping up and out of my chair. It took a few seconds for the pain to actually kick in. Once it did though, I did my best not to just burst into pain induced tears.

Because yeah, ow.

My hands (which I noticed were shaky) groped along the table in hopes of some kind of napkin. Coming up short I figured, screw it, and just pulled the end of the table cloth down my legs to wipe furiously.

The resturaunt was in a flurry. People angrily storming out, waiters and the manager scrambling around shouting out apologies to anyone who would listen.

Katherine was still squawking on and on, but luckily her complaints were aimed at the staff rather than Aaron and I.

Speaking of Aaron,

After realizing my predicament he was pushing around the table to get to my side. Nice as that was, he happened to slip on some of the fallen entree which made him grab for the nearest sturdy surface (our waiter)

Who, sigh, also slipped. Aaron was steady, put the poor waiter guy landed straight down on his chest, making a gross squishing noise from the food. 

Aaron stood over the waiter staring down in evident suprise. It took a moment before he repeated how sorry he was and helped the guy to his feet. 

Had I not been involved in all of this I suppose it would have been quite hilarious. But life doesnt work that way, and I was involved so I wanted nothing more than to vanish right on spot. 

My legs were very much in pain now. I slid back into my seat, it was covered in salad but I couldn't have cared any less then. 

The table cloth lost it's purpose of being a napkin, seeing as it was soaked through now, so I tossed it aside and used my hands again. The smell of lobster was sickening. 

Aaron finally made it over to me with a similar exspression to what I guessed mine probably looked like. He bent down to examine my legs, avoiding my eyes at all costs it seemed. 

Realizing my dress was wet and sticky he raised it a tiny bit to reveal large red splotches on the skin of my thighs. He inhaled sharply and looked ready to punch something, (or somone perhaps)

He glanced up at my face, gouging my reaction. I did try to smile but I could barely manage more than a wobbly line of my lips. My poor reassurance apparently was useless. 

The second he looked away I knew he was blaming himself. Which, don't get me wrong, I hated that. But at the moment I couldn't say anything without my voice coming out in a pathetic squeak. It hurt a lot okay. 

Aaron grabbed a glass of water off the table. "This is going to hurt babe, but it will help I promise." He whispered tightly. I nodded, just wanting any kind of relief. 

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