Chapter 77 Gray area.

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So apparently gray areas in life can exist. Color me shocked. And even if you see someone one way, they might not actually be only that way. Really, its all very shocking I know.

Anyways. When you start to see signs around town with the words: Back to school. You know life as you know it is over with. 

Sure in elementary school it was fun picking out a new bookbag and maybe some crayons with the built in sharpener. 

But high school ruined that stuff.

Now its really odd if your backpack has like, the power puff girls on it. Sigh.

August is coming to a close and those depressing signs are literally everywhere as a reminder. 

This summer has been one of the best in my entire life. The time I've gotten to spend with Aaron is something I'll hold onto forever. 


So much has happened and we've gotten so tangled up in each other, it will be weird to see how our still new relationship works in school. I'm not worried... Okay maybe a tiny bit.

I know we love one another enough to keep us afloat, but I don't want school, or the people of school to mess everything up. I'm not sure how things are going to play out so taking it day by day has become my new approach. 

Since I don't exactly have anything new for school, (supplies and such) I decided to take a trip out to the shopping center past Aaron's house. More exspensive, but it's senior year. Why not splurge a little bit?

Aaron had just recently come down with a bad head cold, something to do with his sinus passages. He's been pretty miserable. He asked if I'd pick up his supplies too, and yeah of course. 

It's still early in the morning when I leave but I want to stop at the pharmacy for medicine first. Aaron ran out the night before. 

When I get to the shopping center not many people are there, which is nice. I tend to enjoy avoiding the crowds with screaming kids. I get enough of that with Lola. 

Getting the essentials for both me and Aaron is simple enough. The school list wasn't too lengthy anyways. Then I head for the clothing shops. I could use some news jeans, maybe a tshirt or two.

Although, after noticing a tank top alone cost 34 bucks, I wasn't too keen on blowing a whole paycheck there. There's a fine line between splurging and flat out impractical. 

Going towards the exit I happened to spot a vaguely familiar mop of blonde hair. I didn't realize who it was until we made really awkward eye contact. 


Her arms were full of clothes, which, yeah of course they would be. She seemed perplexed as to why I was standing there in front her staring. 

Me, not caring how I looked, turned and hurried out of the store to the parking lot. The last thing I needed was some stupid confrontation or whatever. Does that make me a baby?

Yeah probably. 

Oh well, perhaps it was something about self preservation. 

Safely in my car, bags thrown haphazardly into the back seat, I started driving home. 

My phone hadn't had any unheard messages or texts so Aaron was probably out for awhile. It's good for him, I don't like Aaron being sick. 

The drive back was kind of long so it sucked when my car began making loud noises and jerking action only a few miles down the road. 

I was totally freaked out and pulled over to the side of the road, taking the keys out.

I let it rest a minute or two and tried to start it again. Nothing happened. By nothing, I mean absolutely nothing. Not even a single sound. 

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