in your right mind

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"You like what you see?"

"Yeah, you got quite a looker for yourself J."

"That I do. She's the fire in my loins.."

Joker rose out of his seat, his dramatic hand gestures causing the man doing business with him to glance away from Harley, who was dancing effortlessly in her glass case.

"The itch in my crotch.."

The man removed his shades, narrowing his eyes.

"The one and only, Harley Quinn!"

Mr. J gestured his arms towards Harley's direction as she slid down the golden pole, slowly rising back up and sticking out her backside. The man watched her again, biting his bottom lip.
J felt fire boil inside him as the man obviously loved what he saw. Nobody could look at his Harley that way.

Joker put a finger in his mouth, whistling loud enough over the booming music for Harley to glance over and smile, exiting her glass case and cartwheeling off stage.

"Oh, come to daddy.." Joker said just above a whisper as Harley walked through the golden beads that hung down from the ceiling, swaying her hips dramatically and sitting on J's lap.
"Hiya puddin," Harley said softly with her arms around her angel's neck. She looked over at the man that was almost panting at her appearance. Harley knew what was coming, and what she had to do. She was ready to make her puddin proud.
"Who's this handsome man?" Harley exclaimed, lifting off Joker's lap and sitting next to the man.
The man felt something was off. He's heard lots of things about Joker. He's never seen this girl before though.
Harley straddled him, giggling and flipping her hair. The man chuckled lowly, putting an arm around her waist.
"You're cute.." Harley said stroking his arm.
"You want me?"
Joker growled quietly, and the man now knew what was going on. He pulled his arms away from Harley's body, resulting in a sarcastic gasp from Harley.
"I-I'm sorry J, I didn't know this was your lady."
Joker laughed at the fear that was apparent in his voice.
"Oh, nonono! You can have her! I'm sick of her anyways, she's all yours."

Harley smiled, widening her eyes as she exclaimed,
"I'm all yours lover!"

"Nonono, J, I mean it, she's yours."

Harley's smile dropped and she stood up.
"What's wrong, you don't like me?"
Joker wrapped an arm around Harley's waist, and she sat on his lap again, nuzzling his chest.
"He doesn't like me!" she whined.
"Awe, look at that, you made her cry." Joker reached for the gun in his holster.
"N-No, J! I didn't know!"
The man stood up raising his arms in the air.
Joker growled, kissing Harley's forehead and cocking his handgun as he pulled it out the holster.
"You new here?"
The man swallowed nervously, nodding.
"Mm, then you wouldn't know not to look at my stuff."
The man nodded again, willing to agree with anything he said, even if it didn't make any sense.
"So there's a new life lesson for you to live by, my friend."Joker aimed the gun between the man's eyes.

"Or in your case, die by."


Harley stared down at the blood that was now splattered on her black and gold sequin dress.
"Awe, it's ruined!" she pouted.
"I'll get you a new one. Come on, let's go home."
Harley nodded, and Joker grabbed her hand as they exited the club together.

The drive home was quiet. Harley wondered if she made him angry. She really hoped not. But she didn't know what she did that made him mad.
Harley glanced at him, looking for any expression on his face, and to her dismay saw nothing. She watched his grip on the leather wheel tighten.


As they walked up the staircase and into the bedroom, Harley sat on the bed watching Mr. J go through drawers. He hasn't said a word since they left the club.

"W-what's wrong puddin?" Harley asked softly. J turned to her, a blank expression on his face. Harley swallowed nervously, biting her lip and crossing her legs.

"You want to know what's wrong?" he said in a very low voice. Harley hesitated before nodding slowly.
"Don't you know already? Isn't it obvious?" He said with a raised voice. Harley blinked rapidly to stop tears from running down her face. She hated it when he was mad with her.
He slammed his hands on the wall, clenching his fists.

Harley jumped, a tear falling freely down her face.
Joker's eyes raged with fire. He slammed his fists on the wall again before turning to Harley and locking eyes with hers, watching her small mortal frame tremble.
Harley shut her eyes tightly, ready for him to break her into millions of pieces. As expected she felt a stinging pain hit her cheek, and she grabbed her cheek falling back on the bed.
"I-I'm sorry! But puddin, It's not m-my fault that other guys look at me all the time! I was o-only trying to l-look good for you.." she sputtered, choking through tears.

After a few minutes of silence, Harley opened her eyes and saw him sitting on the bed facing away from her, his head in his hands. Was he..crying?
Harley slowly sat up, taking her hand off her burning cheek and cautiously rubbing his shirtless back. He tensed up at her touch before relaxing slightly.
Harley scooted closer, her leg now touching his as she ran her other hand through his messy hair.
Harley closed her eyes, looking down feeling guilt and shame. It was her fault he was angry. But he didn't mean to hurt her, he was just mad.
She felt his arm wrap around her waist, pulling her closer. Harley nuzzled into his chest and he put both arms around her.
He let out a sigh, and Harley swore she felt a tear fall on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry baby.."
J slowly rocked her back and forth, before pulling back and looking at her cheek. Harley saw an expression of pain on his face as he stroked her cheek. Harley quietly hissed at the pain, and he pulled his hand away stroking Harley's soft platinum blonde hair.
"You know I wouldn't hurt you if I was in my right mind, right?"
Harley nodded, smiling through the tears still falling down her face.
"You're never in your right mind puddin," she said. J smiled at what she said.
"That's true."
"I love you, Mr. J.."
"..I love you too."

I feel like this isn't my best writing really and it's kinda short but i just wanted to publish something for you guys for now. i'll try writing a long chapter, i just need more ideas for the storyline. :/

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