Movie Time

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"Movie night!" Louis yells, dragging out the statement. "Zayn, could you make us some popcorn? (Y/N) and I will get the candy. And Harry, would you and Jill get the drinks?"

I scoff. "Sure, man." Zayn replies.

"Would you stop calling her Jill!" Harry exclaims, walking off to get the drinks and causing some laughter to escape my mouth.

Her name isn't really Jill, Louis just gave her that name because her brothers name is Jack so she ought to be Jill, in his mind. "What, Love?" He asks me.

"You're just an idiot." I say, smiling up at him with a faint smirk as I walk over to him. I wrap my arms around his waist, leaning myself onto his side.

Louis kisses my head, "We have to get the candy."

"Ugh," I groan. "I'm too lazy."

Louis lets go of me, quickly throwing me over her shoulder and holding me fire fighter style. "This better?"

"Louis!" I gasp. "Put me down!"

Louis gallops (actually like a horse) into the kitchen where we have all the candy stashed away. He bends down, grabbing some candy then spins me around, thankfully not hitting my head on the counter. "Grab some Junior Mints, Milk Duds, and Milky Ways. Please and thank you." I giggle, reaching out and grabbing a box/bag of each.

"Oh, come on," Zayn says, a small chuckle escaping his mouth. "Put her down, you can practically see her whole ass!"

"Louis!" I squeal as I try to get out of his grip now as my cheeks get heated with embarrassment.

"That's the point." Louis says as I can just so easily picture his wink. "Besides, who wouldn't want to see an ass like hers?"

"Oh, you're such a basted." I huff. "At least pull my shorts down, Louis."

He exhales, pulling is down ever so slightly then setting me down. I eye him, pulling my shorts down to their proper length.

"To infinity, and beyond!" Louis darts down the hall to the movie room as I follow closely behind with candy in hand.

He sets himself down in the middle of the top row with a childish smile on his face. I sigh. "I GUESS I'll sit next to you."

He grins, patting the seat. As I sit myself down, Zayn, Perrie, Harry, and "Jill" enter the theatre with drinks and popcorn in hand. We all share the treats we brought then decide on the movie The Conjuring. Well, they decided. I went against it because it seems quite obvious to me I'm going to pee my pants in terror.

As we settle in, Louis sets his hand on my thigh and runs his thumb on it. "It's okay Hun, just cuddle me when it gets scary and if it's still too much for you, we'll change it, okay?"

I nod, kissing his cheek then putting up the arm rest so I can cuddle into his side. About twenty minutes into the movie, I feel Louis' hand a bit further up my thigh than usual.

"What are you doing?" I whisper, giving him a warning glare.

"You seem like you need a distraction."

My eyes widen. "Louis! No, we can't just-"

"Shh! You're disrupting everyone else." Louis winks, his hand traveling up my thigh, objecting to my decline. His hand goes up to my shorts button, easily un latching them then pulling down the zipper.

"Louis." I sigh, somewhat aroused at the idea of doing it with the others just feet away.

"Yes?" He reaches both of his hands over, slowly pulling my shorts down. He slips his hand down over my panties to my center. "You're warm. Are you wet Babe?" He whispers into my ear, his breathe causing shivers down my spine.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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