This is a convo from real life so if you want a picture here
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Disclaimer these are all quotes Ice: Shut up baby dïck, we'll just drop everything and worship justin bieber over here adrxine: who's justin bieber Ice (as third person): o pop singer Ice: a fucking asshole
If you are wondering what that's from
Ok and here's the second one adrxine: FUCK YOU ice: what did I do adxine: I CAN HEAR YOU BREATH ice: YA PEOPLE TEND TO BREATH adrxine: well maybe you should stop Ice: WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE ALL THE TIME adrxine: OH IM THE ASSHOLE YOUR THE ASSHOLE ice: SAYS SOMEONE WHO CORNERED SOMEONE UP AGAINST A VENDING MACHINE, wHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST VENDING MACHINES adxine: I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH VENDING MACHINES I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOUR FUCKING FACE ice: oh my fucking face, WHAT ABOUT YOUR FUCKING FACE YOU BIG FUCKING ASSHOLE *starts shoving each other* Ice*as third person*: sighs. I cant leave you two alone for two minutes , two minutes DONT YOU LNOW HOW TO BE SIVAL(i cannot spell just sayin) Ice *third person*: u know what I don't know what to any more you 2 need to hug it out adrxine and ice *at the same time*: WHAT IM NOT HUGGING HIM
hi it's ice I got to lazy to finish so just watch this video for what happend