Chapter 1: CRML and RWBY

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Cameron's P.O.V.

My space pod crash lands on a landing pad with 3 identical pods."C'mon guys. Time to learn how to kill these Grimm properly."I adjusted my jacket and my pendant.
"Let's go!" Leon yelled excitedly. I shook my head as Michaelis and Ragnorak followed us.
"I hope there are some hot babes here. I'll be ok then." Ragnorak grinned.
"Whatever. I just wanna fight!" Michaelis jumps up in the air and yells out.
"Well then. A nice group of strapping young men have come to join Beacon?" A man walked up to us.
"Yes professor. We're here so we can avenge Planet Vegeta. Frieza and those Grimm destroyed our ancestors home....." We looked down for a moment of remembrance.
"Yes King Vegeta was a friend of mine and we would always have tea together. It's a shame what happened. I'm honored to have a group of saiyans. I have a team I'd like you four to meet." He grinned and stepped out of the way as four girls walked up to us with a cake.
"I'm Ruby!! I'm the leader! The one with yellow hair is my sister Yang! The white haired girl is Weiss!! Oh and this is Blake!!" Ruby yelled out excitedly
'Jeez. She seems like a clone of Leon but as a girl and 3 years younger.' I thought. They seemed okay and not much to peak my interest except Blake. There's something there. I feel like there's a connection. As though we're both hiding something....I'm hiding the fact that I'm a softie...if the guys knew I'd be a disgrace to the Saiyan race.
"Well I'm Cameron. I'm the leader, that's Leon, Michaelis, and Ragnorak." I said and smiled as we all ate the chocolate cake and got to know each other(below is SSJ Ragnorak, then Leon, then Michaelis, Cameron is the chapter cover)

" I said and smiled as we all ate the chocolate cake and got to know each other(below is SSJ Ragnorak, then Leon, then Michaelis, Cameron is the chapter cover)

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I sat next to Blake and read along in her Ninjas of Love book

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I sat next to Blake and read along in her Ninjas of Love book. "So which volume is this?" I asked inquisitively.
"Book four." Blake said with a bit of sting under it.
"Oh. Ok then. I couldn't remember. I've read them up to book eight." I smiled as she smiled a bit.
"Really? You don't look like someone who'd read this. Plus aren't you like part of a warrior race?" She looked at me confused.
"Y-Yeah. I am. But I enjoy reading more than fighting. Don't get me wrong I enjoy training and fighting but I don't wanna end up like a couple of Frieza's soldiers. Bunch of stupid meat heads..."I said and Blake giggled a bit.
"You know....I think this'll be a good friendship." I smiled at Blake.
"Yeah." She smiled back. I blushed a bit and noticed her cute bow.
"Your bow is cute. It looks good on you." I said awkwardly. Blake blushed and turned away quickly.
"Hey you two love birds cmon. We were gonna all go to the movies!" Yang said excitedly.
"H-Hey! W-We are not love birds!" I blushed more as we ran after Yang.
"Oh boy. This will be interesting." Ozpin smirked and sipped his tea as he watched us all.

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