Chapter 4: Breaking the Chains!!!

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Cameron's POV
We overslept and woke up about noon and I stretched. "Hey Rag! Leo! Mik. Wake up slackers. It's time to train!" I cheered excitedly as I put on my black tank top and worn out jeans.
"Ugh. Fuck training. We're probably the strongest people here. The tournament will be a clean sweep till it comes down to the 4 of us." Ragnorak groaned as he rolled out of bed and got dressed like everyone else. We walked out to the training field and saw a group of people watching a fight.
"What's going on over there?" Leon asked as we got closer.
"Woo!! Go Enzo!!!" A girl cheered on a short, scrappy fighter.
"Bada boom! Realest Supah Saiyan in the room!! How ya doin?!!" The fighter yelled as he went super Saiyan. Wait. How'd he do that? Us 4 escaped. I thought we were the only survivors.
"What's going on? Why's that guy saying he's a Saiyan?!" Yang asked excitedly.
"I'm not sure. But imma find out." Ragnorak cracks his knuckles as he walks in the center.
"Whadda we got hea? A cuppa hatas? A cuppa hatas?" Enzo referred to the 8 of us.
"So what if we are?! Don't misuse the title of Saiyan! Who are you imposter?!" Ragnorak got mad.
"My name! Is Enzo Amore! And I am a Certified G and a Bonafied Stud. How ya doin?" He grinned as Ragnorak's rage sent him into Super Saiyan 5.
Ragnorak's POV
Stupid idiot! I'll kick his ass!!! I growled and subconsciously went Super Saiyan 5 and took a fighting stance.
"If it's a fight ya want it's a fight y'all get." Enzo took a stance. I made the first attack with a low kick to his shin and he dodged and countered with a ki blast!
'Wh-What?!' I thought as I growled more and grabbed Enzo's throat and blasted him into the sky and performed my dirty fireworks technique!
"Heh. That's supposed ta hurt?" Enzo chuckled. I grinned as he fell over from the after effect.
"Go Ragnorak!!!" Yang cheered. I scoffed and spit on Enzo's body when he landed on the ground.
"Stay down poser. You may be Saiyan but you sure as hell aren't strong like one." I ridiculed him as his 7"0 giant picked him up.
"Just wait till the Vytal Fest. At the tourney you're goin down to the hands of Enzo! Cuz there's only!! 1 word to describe you!! And imma spell! It! Out! For you!!! S-A-W-F-T! SAAAAWFT!!!!" The giant of a man and their followers yelled as he backed away and Yang tackled me.
"That was super cool Rag!!!" Yang sat on my chest as I blushed.

Cameron's POV
"Hey Blake wanna go and train?" I asked the raven haired beauty.
"Yeah sure. Cmon." Blake smiled a bit.
We walked to the training field and I charged my energy. "Lemme know when you're ready!" I yelled out.
"Aw cmon. Can't you go super Saiyan? I wanna see." Blake whined.
"I-I....I can't....." I say as I look down.
"Oh cmon Cam. You can do anything. I believe in you." Blake wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek as my hair flashed flecks of golden blonde.
"I-I feel funny. Blake? What's going on?" I looked at her confused.
"You're a super Saiyan Cameron." Blake smiles softly.
I smiled more but my energy drained quickly and I blacked out.

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