The Ties That Bind Us

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DISCLAIMER: The following story contains spoilers for Fire Emblem: Awakening. If you have not finished or played this game and plan to in the near future and do not want to spoil the ending, do not read this story. You have been warned.

"Now Robin! This is our chance! I'm going to finish it!"

I don't know how we did it, but we did it. The road has been long and arduous, but we've stuck together to the end. Now here we are, standing on the back of the Fell Dragon Grima; his vessel, a reflection of myself, fallen to his knees in defeat. His Grimleal soldiers began to dissipate around us as Chrom advances, Falchion in hand. I look next to me to see Lissa, Chrom's little sister, and my wife-to-be, smiling from ear to ear. We'd grown especially close during our bout with Walhart and one day I dug up the courage to ask for her hand in marriage. She gladly accepted and we've been training together ever since, honing our skills with magic. A double Thoron strike put us where we are now, Chrom about halfway to us.

I should be smiling too, but I found myself not. We've won sure, but only temporarily. The Divine Dragon Naga told us of two ways to eliminate Grima. Should Chrom strike with Falchion, Grima will fall but only into slumber for another thousand years. But, if he were to die by his own hand, by my hand, then his life would be at an end, but at the cost of my own. The choice has been on my mind for the entirety of this battle. Our actions have repercussions that may last for centuries, where our descendants may have to one day take up our mantle. An endless cycle of death and violence, is this what the future holds? I have been the Shepherd's Tactician for some time now; it may have been a few years ago that Chrom found me lying in that field, but I remember it like it was only yesterday. I've been able to find a path to victory without a single casualty multiple times, but now...I don't see that path.

If Chrom kills Grima, we get to live our lives in safety, but the next generations will live with the fear of Grima's return over their heads. But if I do the deed, then the Fell Dragon will never again threaten the world. It should be an easy choice, right? I kill Grima to save the present AND the future, and I'm the only one to die. But something inside kept holding me back from giving the final blow.

I growled in frustration, unable to choose which course of action to take. Then I felt a hand grab mine; I look over and see Lissa holding my hand, a tear on her face but still smiling. Then I remembered what else Naga said; if I kill Grima, I will die, but if my bonds in this world are strong enough there is a chance for me to return. It was a gamble, and I had no idea how good my odds were, but I've taken bigger chances before. I looked around and saw my future children Owain and Morgan. Morgan was just like Lissa, with a tear and a smile and Owain had a very serious look on his face, I guess he understood the weight of the situation as well. The two looked at each other then they looked at me and nodded, and it cemented my decision. I knelt down and hugged Lissa saying,

"Never forget that I love you, and nothing will ever change that."

After we released, I ran over to my kids and gave them one last hug. Morgan started shaking in my arms and turned to Owain, crying but seemed to find some comfort in her big brother's embrace as I stepped forward to face myself.

Facing my reflection I raised my hand, focusing the small portion of Grima's power I had under my control. As the orb formed, Chrom stopped in his tracks.

"...Robin?! Wait, what- " he stammered

"What...What are you doing?" my double asked

"For once, I'm glad you and I are the same." I answered, "Now I can give my life to protect those I care for."

"YOU...YOU WOULDN'T DARE!" He challenged

"I would and I will. The evils you would visit on this world are unthinkable. In some ways I – WE share the blame. It's only right that we meet our end together!"

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