Chapter 41: Everything is All Linked Up

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Chapter 41: Everything is All Linked Up

"What-what are you two doing here? Oh I don't even care come here my sweetheart!"

Sarah was pulled into a giant hug by her uncle and I laughed. He's a really great guy.

"I've missed you so much hon," he whispered into her back.

"I've missed you too. Phone calls don't compare to this."

They hugged a little longer and I decided to give them a moment so I let my eyes wander.

The neighborhood was light up with lights for Christmas and it shone on the streets. I looked at the house I was standing at and saw the lights up too. I wonder if Mark put them up by himself.

Some snow was on the sides of the road but not much in the yard. If we decide to go to Canada we better plan it to where we don't get held back from the snow.

Once they were done having their reunion moment I smiled as he let us in. "It's freezing out there." I commented, a chill going up my spine.

"Sarah how have you been? I've missed seeing you around here!" Her Aunt Miranda came from the kitchen. She wiped her hands on a towel and gave Sarah a hug. I could tell they weren't as close as her uncle and her other aunt.

"Justin. A word please," her uncle whispered motioning me to the living room.

I bit my lip but nodded following him while Sarah was talking to her aunt.

I took a seat beside him on the couch bundling me up a little more in my coat. The fireplace was on which warmed me up quickly. We sat just in silence and I'm not gonna lie I'm kind've nervous. He is quite scary for an older man. He has muscle and a lot of it I guess from working at a mechanics shop you'd need it. His hair wasn't all completely white just dashes in the corners near his sideburns. Sarah may joke around that he's really old but we both know he is a strong guy and can take care of himself.

"Look," his voice startled me as I was lost in thought and the only sound was coming from the kitchen and the fireplace. "Sarah told me what happened between you and your ex. Now I know it's over and she forgave you but since I never got to tell you I'm gonna tell you now. I can't believe you did that to her. Cheating is wrong you know that, you're not an idiot. I know you were drunk but if your gonna drink that much to not know what your doing then you're not someone for my Sarah. I like you I do, but please don't hurt her again or next time she won't be able to forgive you. Understand?"

I listened carefully to what he was saying and nodded.

"Yes sir. I love her and I made a mistake that I will never do again. I saw how bad I hurt her and it hurt me. I love her... I'm sorry I hurt her and made your trust in me fall."

He smiled, "It's alright now. Just don't disappoint me again got it?" He punched my shoulder slightly and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"You're a good guy Justin. Thank you for making her dream a reality and helping her through everything."

I thanked him by nodding and smiling and he took his arm away. It wasn't awkward it was just relaxing.

I rested my head against the back of the couch enjoying the silence. Mark was reading his newspaper again and I just chuckled. Sarah's jokes about him reading it and saying it makes him look old enters my head.

After awhile I felt something in my pocket and remembered I had Sarah's phone. It as vibrating. I pulled it out and an unknown number was calling.

I excused myself and opened the front door to answer. I stood out in the cold before answering.


There was a breath in the phone before someone spoke.

"Where's Sarah?" A guy asked.

"Who is this?" I stood straighter and I felt anger.


I scoffed, "Are you the one texting her? Leave her the fuck alone!"

He sighed, "Please let me talk to her..."

"No. Goodbye."

"Wait! I have to tell her before it's too late."

What is he talking about? Confusion entered but still I was angry.

"Tell her what exactly?"

There was a long pause but he finally spoke again.

"What happened that night... She's in danger."


Sarah's POV

"I'm pretty sure you put pepper," I said and my aunt chuckled.

"You sure? I don't think so."

I bit my lip trying to holding back my smile as I watched her think about it seriously.

"Yeah you do nevermind," I laughed at my aunt and began to finish cooking Justin's favorite. Spaghetti.

"Sarah." I heard whispered behind me.

I turned and saw Justin standing there pale as a ghost. My uncle standing behind him looking confused.

"Justin? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I walked over to him and rubbed my hand against his face. He was cold.

"Doesn't matter right now... Um we need to go,"

"Go? Go where?" I asked bringing my hand back but was immediately grabbed by Justin as he tugged me motioning towards the door.

"Please c'mon I-"

"Now wait a second. What's going on Justin?" My uncle stepped in releasing Justin's grip on my hand.

"I-I... Sarah listen Kyle called and-"

"What? When?"

"Just now! Let me finish my sentences would ya?! I'm trying to tell you!" He yelled.

"I would if I understood any of the things your trying to tell me!"

"I'm trying to explain but your not letting me talk!-"

"Then explain Justin." My uncle said sternly.

Justin took a deep breath running his hand through his hair. I noticed his breath was uneven and his hand shaking slightly.

"Okay. Kyle called and told me he wanted to speak to you. I told him no and as I was about to hang up he said he wanted to tell you what happened that night but also that your in danger. He wouldn't go in specifics but he said to meet him at some secret place you knew about quickly before it was too late..."

It was quiet after he finished until I heard my uncle say something but I blocked it out. Not by choice I don't think but like my mind wanted me to step back and block out the world and it's dangers.

Kyle wants to explain but also says I'm in danger? How would he know that? What does he have to do with anything?

Of course I know what "secret place" he's talking about because we found it while we were walking behind our school. How could I meet him there? How could I know it would be safe or apart from that, that he would be telling me what I want to know. What I need to know.


My mind shot back into reality as Justin was shaking me lightly.

"We have to go. I have a feeling everything is all linked up. Everything." I said slowly.

"Mark..." I heard my aunt whisper from behind me. I turned to look at her as she had tears in her eyes.

"You have to tell her," she continued to whisper.

I looked back to my uncle confused.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

He sighed and slammed his hand against the table.

"I thought it would all go away! That he would go away! Nothing ever goes the way it should!"

I jumped at his outburst but stood strong.

"Tell me what?" I repeated angrily as I wanted to finally understand something.

He looked at me, his eyes showing just how tired he was mentally.

"Sarah... I was never suppose to tell you but I guess you need to know..."

"When your mother was around your age, she met a boy who we all thought was great. I, as her brother, did a great background evaluation on him, he was funny, charming, just a nice boy. However he was a boy who could get very jealous and insecure,

"Your mom she would be at party's with him and a boy would look at her or speak to her and he got mad beyond belief. She hated it but loved him none the less. One flaw wouldn't hurt we all thought... we were wrong though.

"He began to hurt her when he thought she was cheating. He got mean and the fire built in him. She ended it with him and found herself another man, your father. A wonderful man who never hurt her.

"Sure he wasn't perfect but who was? He could get mad and angry at her but loved her all the same. They'd argue and both make mistakes but worked them out. When he asked her to marry him we knew it was going to last because even with the flaws and imperfections alone, they were perfect together.

"The man she once dated continued to have a fire in him. He hated that she moved on and loved another man. He stalked her and he went to jail because of it and other things he had done in the past. It was great after that. Your mother and father married and within time had you.

"You're the perfect definition to their love. You look like both of them 100% no doubt and are a natural beauty of love. The family was completely full of love. The fights here and there between the family never compared to the love underneath. As time went on you grew and grew and grew till you were your own little lady.

"You got yourself a boy and we were all happy that you as a young girl could experience so called love. That's when things changed again though... the man, your mothers first love, was released from prison. Your parents were scared for your safety and for theirs of course.

"They wanted to know why he was released so the went to the court house to find information. Sure stalking and harassment isn't much to keep a guy locked up but they expected a little longer because of his background in abuse. He was locked up for quite awhile but we all expected more.

"That night they left and never came back. That night the prisoner never was heard from again...

"Neither was his son."

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