Imagine Your OTP

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Roses are red,

Walking through the gardens, I remember the beautiful reds and pinks of the roses. The pallets of colours just from this one insignificant plant is amazing.

Violets are blue.

The violets were even more beautiful. The blue and purple hues are astounding. I remember picking a couple and giving them to you.

Sugar is sweet,

You had so much sugar in your tea. You couldn't drink it without the sugar.

And perhaps so are you.

Why couldn't you see how amazing you are?

But the roses are wilted,

Did you know that the roses were wilting and dying away?

And the violets are dead.

There isn't anything growing anymore. It's as if the whole world is grieving with me.

The sugar bowl's empty,

I haven't gone shopping in a while. I couldn't bring myself to leave, even if I wanted to.

And your wrists are stained red.

Why didn't you tell me? I'm here for you. You know that right? I've always been here for you and I always will be.

The sun isn't shining,

Everything is so grey. I can't see the bright vibrant colours that you brought into my small, sad world anymore. What's the use of trying anymore?

The sky isn't clear.

It's going to rain for the next few weeks, I think a storm is coming.

There is no silver lining because you're no longer here.

Why did you leave me? I could of been there if you let me. Please, I can't live anymore. I can't see any reason to exist if you aren't here with me.

Rain keeps on pouring,

There is definitely a storm coming. The rain wont let up. We might have to postpone our ceremony, you wouldn't want it to happen while it's raining.

There is no end in sight.

I'm sorry sweetheart. I don't know if the rain is ever going to stop. I'm so sorry my love.

You're laying there frozen,

I wish you could be here to see this love. The rain finally stopped.

So far from the light.

If only I was faster. If only I had been there. If only I had insisted on being there for you. I should of been there for you, like I vowed I would. Please forgive me love.

Your beauty's unreal,

You don't know how beautiful you looked today sweetheart. You sure knew how to make an entrance and an exit that people will remember.

Your smile the sun.

How could I forget your breath taking smile, and your contagious laughter. I never want to forget these memories of us. Until death do us part my love, until death do us part.

But time can't be turned, nor actions undone.

If only I had been there. If only I had paid more attention to you. You're the only thing that is important in my life now, with out you, what would I do? I simply would cease to exist.

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