ryan's facetime//male

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I was about to call Ryan like he asked me, but before I got the chance to his notification popped up.

Ryan😎 would like to FaceTime...

I took a long, deep breath, awaiting to see what my friend would think of seeing me for the first time.

I pressed the accept call button and awaited for his face to pop up.

It was pitch black, but then up close to the camera a pair of brown, wide frame glasses could be seen, accompanied by two honey colored eyes.

His eyes widened, then adjusted to my appearance on camera.

"Oh, I, um.. hi y/n!" the boy stuttered as he lifted his eyebrows.

"Hey Ryan," I said.

"So, uh, how are you?" he asked me with a slight giggle.

"You lameass, we don't need to talk like we're old men." I playfully rolled my y/e/c eyes.

"Well... uh, I really like your eyes.."


"and your hair,"

"Oh, than—"

"and your nose," he finished.

I sat there, trying not to show how shocked I was, I never thought that someone I knew so little would like me so much.

"Oh, thanks! I really like your glasses." I said. His pale cheeks blushed, and a tiny smile swept across his face.

"So.. what are you eating for breakfast?" he asked, trying to get a conversation going.

"Just toast and jelly. Nothing big." I bit the crispy piece of bread.

"Ah, I love me a good toost." he accidentally said.

"Toost?" I laughed a bit.

"Oh, what? Oh, yeah. Toost. That's the good shit."

"That's our new inside joke!" I laughed.

We both laughed for two minutes looking into each other's eyes as we did so.

"You're so cool. How come you never hang out with any friends?" I asked.

"I actually do, but they're always busy. My friend Taylor is a model and is constantly going places, Alli and her husband Jeremy literally live at concerts, and Dan is pretty chill. I see him really often."

"Cool. Dan's the dude you mistakenly thought was me right?"

"Yeah, haha."

After almost two hours of face-to-face contact, talking about the silliest of things, we decided to end the call.

"So, um," he smiled. "It was fun talking to you." Ryan smiled, his personality shining brighter than my phone screen.

"Thanks, same to you!" I simply replied.

"Y'know, you're really handsome for a guy." he complimented me, my shock clearly shown.

"Oh! Why, thank you, you're pretty attractive too." I said dorkily. Ryan's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, another smile gleamed on his face.

"So, uhm.." he stuttered.

"I guess this is goodbye?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Y-Yeah, goodbye;" he said one last time.

"Bye.." I waved to my phone screen.

Soon enough, Ryan pressed the "end call" button, and my phone went back to my home screen.

My heart was beating so fast, it felt as if it was coming out of my chest.

"I love you-" I said to the phone, pretending as I were speaking to Ryan.

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