Blossom of Thorns

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It was a beautiful morning in New Domino City as you sat in your apartment, getting ready for the first day of your new job as a newspaper photographer not too long after your 17th birthday. Finishing off breakfast as you looked out the window to the hustle and bustle of the city, you grabbed the keys to your motorcycle and headed out. Riding through the streets, you turned corner after corner as you made your way to the headquarters of the Daily Duel. Your father used to be one of the Duel's top reporters and you had been to the office before for Take Your Kid to Work Day when you were younger. Throughout your school years you developed a talent for journalism and photography like dear old dad and when he retired, you were the one of the first calls when his position officially opened. About 20 minutes later you had parked in the nearby parking garage and made your way into the building and up to the top floor.

When the elevator doors opened and you stepped inside, the Daily Duel office was as busy as you remembered. Staff members were quickly moving from station to station editing articles and formatting photos. A few reporters sat off to the side in private offices conducting interviews over video chat and in the center of all the chaos barking orders stood the Chief: Arthur Amadeus Anderson, but your father always called him "Triple-A" because he always wanted nothing but Triple-A quality work.

"Truesdale! I want an update on that Sector Security article on my desk in five minutes! Wheeler! Your interview with the CEO of the Black Clown is in one hour, get going now to beat the traffic! Tsukumo! I sent you to get donuts and coffee a half hour ago, and when I'm done with (y/n) I expect you to be out that door!"

Almost on instinct, Triple-A turns around with the widest smile on his face and grabs your hand, nearly crushing it in his grip.

"(F/N) (L/N), good to see you, boy! Heard from your father just the other day, glad you're on the team! Step into my office, it's a madhouse out here."

Triple-A led you inside his glass-walled office and closed the door, effectively silencing the outside as he sat down behind his desk and lit a cigar.

"It really is good to see you again son, I hated seeing your father go but I know you're going to do his reputation justice. I've got your first assignment if you're ready for it."

"Ready to get started sir." You said, finally getting a word in

"I'm not going to lie (y/n), this one could get a little dangerous. Have you heard of the duelist they call the Black Rose Witch?"

Your eyes went wide as you stopped and thought for a moment. "I thought she was just an urban legend."

"Well this 'urban legend' has apparently been seen around the Daimon Area, and we recently got an anonymous tip that she may be making an appearance tonight. I want you to scout out the area and get some shots of this Witch. You think you can handle it?"

You sat in thought for a few moments, looking out a window as you scratched the back of your neck.

"It sounds like it could get dicey," you finally said as a smile grew on your face, "but that's what makes this kind of work fun."

"That a boy (y/n)! Head out to the Daimon Area around sunset, that's when our tip said she should appear." Arthur said as the two of you returned to the activity outside of the office.

Later that night you were walking around the Daimon Area, your casual attire letting you blend in as the sun set behind you. Turning a corner, you found a Duel taking place with quite a crowd surrounding it. Taking out your camera, you took a few shots of the action like you had been doing all night. Catching a shot of Valkyrion the Magna Warrior clashing with Perfect Machine King before one duelist activated a trap card, destroying his opponent's entire field, leaving his Valkyrion as the only monster on the field. Suddenly, a powerful breeze blew through the arena and the ground started to rumble. From out of the center of the arena, massive thorns began to erupt from the ground as the wind picked up, whipping through your (h/c) hair and began to form a tornado in the center of the thorns. Eventually from out of the tornado, a pair of crimson wings that seem to be made from rose petals grew from the cyclone and as it dissipated, a black and red dragon whose scales also resembled rose petals stood menacingly.

Blossom of Thorns (Akiza Izinski x MaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now