In a rush.

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Legs trembling, a drop of sweat pouring down her face, pounding heart, lost sight. That pretty much sums it up, when Rosalie was running towards the subway. God dammit, how could she be so stupid to leave her home alone? Little back story; her and her little sister had just lost their parents in a car accident, so Rosalie took care of her. At least for now. Later on, they probably would have to move into another home, because the lack of money that Rosalie earned. She ran past many people, all of them staring at her. She ran past trees, over streets, and past many buildings before coming to the subway.  Just before the doors was about to close, the jumped at the train. The crowded, warm train. The voices of every single person echoed in her head, yet one thing existed in her mind. Alexa. Her little sister. Why did she had to leave her alone home, especially when she was home just because she was sick. What if something had happen to her, when the break in had taken place?

“Now, I really want to know what’s wrong, sweetheart”, said a rather dark voice behind her. Rosalie turned around, to see the brunette boy from before. The one who had made her scream.  The boy who hade made her get terrified. “I’m Kyle, by the way”, he added with a small smirk on his lips.

Rosalie bit the inner corner  of her lips, before taking control over her fear and put on her sarcasm-façade. “I’m Rosalie, nice to meet you”, she said with a clear tone of sarcasm in her voice, even though it only was a second away from breaking. “And by the way, nothing’s wrong. I just saw three people kill a girl. I’m fine, no, I’m more than fine. I’m excellent”, Rosalie added.

“One- That wasn’t a girl. It was a demon. Two- I didn’t mean that. What I mean, is why are you having such a rush home?”, Kyle asked, raising his eyebrows a bit.

“One- Demons don’t exist. Two- You have nothing to do with that”, Rosalie replied, before walking out through the doors who just opened for her and the rest of the people. “Why does it seem like no one else can see you?”, she asked, when she realized that Kyle didn’t leave her.

“I was hoping you would tell me that. But you’re either some kind of demon- but probably not. Or a downworlder, or a shadowhunter” Kyle replied. “That’s my top three guesses. “Although, I’m not quite sure”

Rosalie stopped in front of him, making him to stop. “I don’t know what kind of game you are playing, or what kind of crazy things that are flying around in your head. But I’m a human. And I need you to leave me alone”, she required. But honestly, she was scared to hell inside.

Rosalie turned around, and then started to run home again. Mostly to get away from Kyle, but also just to see if Alexa was okay, if she was with Dylan, her cousin. To her advantage, their house was only a few hundred meters away. So only after a few, but long minutes she reached her destination. A police car stood at the street, and inside the house were a woman, and vandalized home. And there, Dylan stood. Rosalie ran over to him, hugging him tight. Dylan answered the hug.

“Where is she?”, Rosalie murmured and then let him go, walking into the house. “Where is she!?”, she repeated, louder, looking around herself. No sign of Alexa. Rosalie felt a tear warming her face, when she ran through the house. She stopped when she felt two hands on her shoulders, turning her around.

“Rosalie, she’s not here. I’ve already send the cops to find her.”, Dylan said, looking down at her. The difference of length was disturbing, and pretty long.

Rosalie backed away from Dylan, sitting down at the torn up bed.”W-w-what?”, she murmured, although it didn’t really sounded like a word. She was gone? No. She couldn’t. She had just run away. Away from the danger, and she would be back. Her heart started to beat faster, tears streaming down her face, and she wanted so bad just to scream. What if she was hurt? What if she was kidnaped? What if she was.. Dead? No. Rosalie refused to think that kind of thoughts. Her deepest feelings was interrupted by the sound of Dylan’s voice.

“I’m sorry”, he said, before deciding that he should leave her alone. It was for the best. He had never lost someone that close to him as Alexa was to Rosalie. This made it hard for him to try to put himself in her position. Dylan looked at the boy with black clothes. He looked like a goth-tattoo-insane guy.

"Hi”, Kyle said with a small, fake, smile, before walking into the room that Rosalie was is. Dylan nodded,  just to avoid to be rude.  “We gotta go”, Kyle said to Rosalie, who didn’t even look at him. “Rosalie, com on”, he added irritably when she didn’t reply.

Rosalie buried her face in the palms of her hands. “She’s gone..”, she murmured.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t care. We need to go, Hodge will want to see you”, Kyle said. Now he was starting to be angry, kind of. Why couldn’t she just do as he said? He didn’t get any reply. “Fine. I’ll help you find your sister if you come with me”, he said. Although, he was almost sure that he wouldn’t.

Rosalie looked up at Kyle. “Really?”, she asked, just getting a nod as reply. Rosalie was quick up on her feet, and after that, they both were on their way to.. Some place. Dylan had just watched as they left. He was surprised, though. But he didn’t doubt Rosalie for a second, just he just let her do what she felt like she needed to.

After ten minutes, they seem to appear at the right place, but at the wrong time.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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