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Young and surviving is a new girl band with 2 groups: young and surviving and the lasso girls members: Shenel (Keyboard), jess (Bass), sarah (Lead Vocals), Sophia (Lead guitar), and Suzanna (vocals). They debuted a couple of months ago and already gained a bunch of popularity. Sarah jess and Shenel are in young and surviving and Sophia and Suzanna are in the lasso girls.

Chapter 1.
Sarah POV
   Finally reaching the plane, we sat near the back where we would attracts the least attention but it would be hard anyway since we have big laptops, notebooks and cameras with us.
  Luckily, arriving at the airport was easy since no fans expected to see us since we didn't announce that we were going anywhere. This way we wouldn't get bombarded by crazy fans but even if people did notice us, they didn't point us out which we were all grateful for.
  I settled down in my appointed seat in between Shenel and jess and took my mask off. I didn't realise how annoying they would be to wear all the time since my mask was slightly big for me. Taking out my laptop, I heard a light snoring coming from my left side and looking over my shoulder, came face to face with a sleeping shenel, 'dang what an.... UGLY SLEEPING FACE' I thought to myself and chuckled slightly. Jess gave me a weird look as if to say 'dude wtf you need help' but I just shrugged it off and made a sign as to say not to worry.
  After my shirt fight with my bag to get my laptop out, I set my laptop on the table and got out Jess' notebook. Jess was always the one who wrote the songs in her book and writes quite a few of them. Usually I write the songs and Jess choreographs, Shenel is in charge of double checking everything is perfect which is actually one of the most important jobs because if you get something wrong, you're pretty much fucked.
  Getting back to the subject at hand (A/N: IK Sarah IK), I opened the Internet quickly to check the latest news and quickly came across an article about crazy fans attacking famous idols which, to be honest, was quite pathetic. I mean if you want to stalk them at least do it right.. GEES.

  Jess' POV
  I saw Sarah reading and article on the internet about idols getting hurt when i heard a quiet giggle and gasp coming from behind us. Thing nothing of it i turned back to my phone but as soon as I heard it the second time my curiosity overtook me.
  I looked over my shoulder and through the gap between the chairs only to come face to face with two girls squishing their faces between the seats. I quickly turned around as respect and heard the girls freak out 'OMG DID YOU SEE THAT JESS TURNED AROUND DKSKKS IT REALLY WAS HER OMG I WONDER IF SARAH AND SHENEL ARE THERE TOO' they shouted in a whisper (a/n: if that even makes sense you know what I mean).
  I felt a huge smile appear on my face and I had to resist the urge to laugh since people would think I'm a nutter.
  Coming up with a good idea I tapped Sarah on the shoulder and explained about the fans behind us.
'3...2..1' and we turned around to us, confused looks on our face.
  "Umm... excuse me.." Sarah asked and the fans began to go crazy, "my phone ran out of battery and my friend here is using my charger... do you think I could umm... idk like use your phone for a sec to  check something". The girls nodded in an instant and practically shoved the phone in our faces. We knew they should t do this since you can't trust everyone and anyone but it would be worth it.
  Going onto camera, Sarah went into selfie mode and shook Shenel, waking her up,
"HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR YOU FA-" she shouted but we quickly slammed a hand over her mouth.

  We explained her what we were planning on doing and she just gave a nod of agreement. We all leaned into the middle and took a bunch of selfies. Some Aegyo some gangsta and other normal ones of us smiling, making hearts etc. Soon enough we had taken over 10 photos and gave the phone back to the girl.

"Ok thank you I just need to make sure my makeup was ok, sorry if I accidentally took a picture"... Sarah said.

  We turned back around and patiently waited for their reaction.
  A couple of minutes had passed and they still hadn't made a move. I was quickly cut out of my thoughts when I heard a scream of excitement from behind and the flight attendant came over. They told the girls (A/n: did I mention the fans were Korean and we can speak fluent Korean? No? Well that's it) to be quiet in Korean but we just took matters into our own hands and told them there was a spider but we took care of it, in fluent Korean. They were pretty surprised since no one had heard us speak korean before but pretty sure, it would be all over the Internet about what we had done.

Author POV

  The update finally came saying 'we have landed' and everyone clapped (A/N: that happens to me every time I go on a plane TBH anyone else?)
  During the flight, Sarah managed to write a new song, Shenel checked it, and jess was working on the choreography for it. Quite a productive flight of you ask me.
  Getting off the plane the girls put their mask and sunglasses back on. Starting to walk again felt weird after sitting down for such a long time but I was good to be back. To be home. And for their new album tour they will be doing...

...Starting In England.

(A/N: k first chapter done sorry it's not that long but what can you do. I had fun writing this chapter since I like to think I'm famous and writing this actually gives me and the rest of the band motivation to get to our targets so yeah. Till next time fags)

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