The Bad Boy Met Me (2)

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Sorry For The Late Update, Family First :)


"I started walking in the direction I hoped was the way to my house, but a small part of me knew it wasn't. I continued walking in the direction anyway and never stopped.

Not even when I saw a bunch of addresses I knew belonged to the other side of town.

The side I didn't live on.

That's when I finally realized it.

 I am lost.


*Warning: Chapter Two Contains Curses, Like All The Other Chapters In The Future  lol*

Dedicated To The Best Editor In The World @learningtolove



Chapter Two

Like horror movie lost.

You know, the ones where the little girl is wandering around looking for her friends, she shouts their names, she thinks that she sees them in the distance, and when she is walking towards the group, a man with a very frightening axe comes out of no where and kills her?

Yeah, that kind of lost.

It didn't help that it was so dark with a bunch of gloomy alley ways littering the side streets. This was like a missing person's report just patiently waiting to happen.

I continued walking in the direction I thought was home, my small little heels lightly hitting the ground. A cool breeze flew by, making me tighten my sweater around me tightly. I suddenly started to regret wearing a dress and a light sweater in the middle of September, when it was almost winter for heaven's sake. But of course I didn't know we were breaking up tonight and I was going to be left with no ride. Even though I was still mad at him, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Richard and I. Even though we had our own troubles, we were perfect to me. All those times he would- 

Wait. What was I even saying? That jerk! How dare he embarrass me in front of everyone? Cheating on me because of my lack of bedroom skills! Well maybe I would've been inspired to 'improve' if he had been able to last more than three seconds.

Just saying.

At that thought I started chuckling, for I sounded so much like my mom. The women would rant on for hours and hours about how low class and bad her father was, especially in bed. Stating that that was indeed the main reason for their divorce. Or the fact he was a low-down sneaky son of a-

I quickly stopped thinking about my parents as I realized where my thoughts were heading to. I didn't want to start thinking about that subject now. My night was rough enough so far with the party and Richard, and thinking about the nastiness of the divorce wasn't going to improve my night unfortunately.

I looked ahead of me and saw that I was walking on a dead end street. I groaned and turned around for what seemed like the fifteenth time tonight. At this point, it seemed as if finding my way home was just a distant dream.

Where were those magic red heels when you need them?

And that's exactly how I predicted my night will be, wishing that the yellow brick road would just appear and I would happily skip along while meeting a few friends. But this wasn't Kansas. And it sure as hell wasn't a dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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