The Prologue.... I think? Maybe? Yeah. This is a Prolologue.

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Narrator 1 :  The Harpy swooped down once more extending her long razor-sharp talons as she let out an ear piercing 'Pyree-Pyree' .  I had to run faster, there was no way I was going to let her get a hold of this- Oh fuck.  Yeah. I just tripped.   The Harpy let out a scree and landed upon my leg tearing into my soft delicate flesh easily with her rigid blade-like talons. I attempted to stifle my cries of pain, but alas it was no use. Screams tore at my throat and ripped through the air like- um.... like uh......  Something that rips through the air!!     

Narrator 2 : Something that rips through the air?

Narrator 1 : Quiet you!!

Narrator 2 : I'm just saying you could be a little more descriptive than that  Yellow Man. 

Narrator 1 : Oh really? How would YOU have described my screams Sky Guy? I'm just  DYING to know.

Narrator 2 : Well... Since you asked... 'His screams ripped through the air like the -

Narrator 1 : Psshhht That's the best you got? And you call yourself a-

Narrator 2 : I wasn't finished. 

Narrator 1 : *In a babyish mocking manner*  I wasn't finished 

Narrator 2 : *Stares* Are you..... Mocking me....? *Places hand on chest*

Narrator 1 : Maybe I am, Maybe I'm not. *Crosses arms across chest.* 

Narrator 2 : You were!! You were totally mocking me!! 

Narrator 1 : And the townsfolk say I'M a Drama Queen, Heh heh... 

Narrator 2 : I swear if you weren't an important role to this story I would fight you right here and now....

Narrator 1 : Awwww, You think I'm important!! 

Narrator 2 : Oh my Glob, You are such, a Little- 

Narrator 3 : You two aren't arguing again, are you...? [Off screen] {[ Get it? Screen? It's funny cause it's... Oh never mind..]} 

Narrator 1 & 2 : No ......  

Narrator 3 : Are so. Heh.... You two aren't even telling the right story.

Narrator 1 & 2 (Overlapping) : What? No,No,No....   Me? Wrong? No. I couldn't possibly be-   The wrong story? Wha- What? That's absurd! Do you know how ridiculous that-

Narrator 3 :  This is HIS story. Not Scarab's 


Narrator 1 & 2 : O-Oh....  Uh.... Heh...

Narrator 3 : Yeah, *Crosses arms across chest while snickering slightly* Thought so, Now.... How's about we get to telling this story? But we tell the right one this time..?

Narrator 1 : *Sigh* Alright, Fine.... But I get to tell the interesting kung-fuey action parts.

Narrator 2 : Hey!! No fair!!

Narrator 3 : Girls, Girls... You're both hideous. Now can we just get started already? I'm sure the poor reader has grown tired of your yammering!!

Narrator 1 & 2 : We don't Yammer!! 

Narrator 3 : Yeah riiiight.... And I'm not a sarcastic prick. 

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