Pretty Girls Have Curves

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My alarm goes off telling me its time for school . . Geez I hate mondays ! I swear their like the devils demons ! Okay Okay , Maybe not that bad lol

Anywho I guess I'll hop in the shower .

I turn the water on and wait while it gets hot .

I turn toward the mirror and do my daily ritual , I look at myself and say

You are beautiful ,

God made you this way for a reason

Your curves are a blessing and your hips are amazing !

Yess I am a curvy girl but I love myself , I used to be self concious but now I have the confidence of a model . I don't get bullied about my weight because I accept it & so others have as well . Its all in how you carry yourself . I have dudes left and right coming at me . I take the skinnest of girls men and dont think twice about it bc i know if the roles were reversed they wouldnt even care. Im no sad , depressed thick girl . I'm proud to be plus size And If you're not advise you to take a look at the world you live in . You dont see skinny girls sad because they skinny, they flaunt it and act as though they the baddest thing walking . I do the exact same . And so should you !

I hop in the shower and do my hygiene thing .

I get out and began to get dressed . I chose my clothes the night before before because i dont want to be late for the first day of school. Im a senior this year , whoop whoop #TU haha

Im rocking a skater dress thats galaxy print with some black combat boots and a black leather jacket. Yass God I'm cute . I began to put some eyeliner on and some lip gloss . I realize im hella early so I guess I'll stop by StarBucks for a Mocha Frapè and a bagel . I hop in my Acura and pull off.


I arrive at StarBucks and hop out . As i walk in I see its a little crowded but not over bearing . Im waiting in line and hear this cocassian chick ordering . And dang she doing the most talking bout "Can i have a Vanilla bean Late no sugar, Fat free , made with only Soy Milk and 2 Splendas on the side "

The cashier looks at her like she dumb and repeats the order in an annoyed voice . I can't help but laugh because this girl is wayy to extra for me !

She turns around says

"What are you laughing at ?"

I look around to make sure she is talking to me before I just go off .

"You talking to me ?' I point to myself

"Uh yeah ! You're the only THING my eyes is have landed on. "

" Thing ? Sweetie I am a woman , a grown one at that . So if I were you I would turn around and recieve my so called Late . " I say not wanting to get too ratchet in starBucks .

"& if i dont ?" The twig asks

"I will slap you so hard you wont have to binge . Everything you ate this morning will just come right on up !" I say as politely as possible .

She looks surprised and does exactly what I told her .

The cashier calls for next in line and I walk up ordering my Frapè and bagel and then paying her .

I still have a lot of time before i have to be at school so I take a seat by the window and began to eat .

I snapchat my baby Shantrell Goodmorning ! Shantrell is my bestie and has been since 8th grade . I was the new girl and she came up to me saying "Hi I'm the loud ghetto girl , & you are ?" I laughed and said "Hey im maddi , " & ever since we been A1 !!!

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