Chapter Two ~ Tryouts & Blake

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Well here comes chapter two it might be a little longer but I hope it will be better then chapter one!!!!
Ivy's POV
Looking in the mirror as I prepared myself for tryouts, I wanted to look my best, I also wanted to wear the best. Once I was dressed from head to toe, I headed down for breakfast with the other riders.

Taking the elevator down to the main level, I waited & waited, while I waited I texted my mum. After texting my mom the elevator opened & I got out, once on the main level I headed to the cafe.

"Sup Barbie."

The red headed yelled as I entered the room, sorry I like pink, I know it's not rider material but fuck it. Today doesn't have to do with style, today has to do with skills & horsemanship, I thought as I sat down.

I'll get food in a minute, I thought as I looked at everyone else's plate, fruit, salmon, & veggies the salmon looked really good. "You know only the worst riders wear colorful riding outfits," the red head spoke, damn what's her name?

"Go to hell" I spoke before leaving & grabbing a plate, hearing a bunch of oohs & ahh's I smiled at my accomplishment. Which really wasn't an accomplishment, oh well I thought as I filled my plate.

Blake's POV
"You have guts Ivy, and I like that" I spoke as she walked back to the table, "thanks & hey did I bug you yesterday when I asked for your help?" She asked as she sat back down to eat, "no not at all I was just really tired I guess but I wasn't mad."

Her cheeks blushed a rosy pink, as I answered her questions "so you ready for tryouts" she asked as she forked a pineapple chunk. "Yeah Rowan & I are ready, plus we're both extremely excited."

She nodded God she was pretty so was Zach Efron, she was like the female Zach Efron, i thought as I bit into a piece of salmon. "What breed is Rowan," she asked all of a sudden "honestly I have no idea?"

I chuckled as I forked down carrots, "what about Silky King, he's some type of Warmblood isn't he?" She nodded "yeah he's a Dutch Warmblood" she spoke before taking a sip of Apple juice "he's a pretty horse."

I commented before dumping the rest of of my stuff in a bag that I will give Rowan, it's only carrots & pears. "Well I'm heading to the stables wanna join," I asked as placed the plastic plate on the dirty bin.

"Yeah sure" she chirped as she grabbed her phone & followed me, I'm so gonna ace this tryout I thought. Looking back to see she was talking to someone on the phone, I gave her space and continued walking.

Jesse's POV
"Such a good horse" I cooed to my favorite person, which is Blue Moon my Quarter Horse gelding. "Hey is Gabby in here yet, I need to talk to her" Blake asked, as he walked Rowan out of her stall.

"Yeah she's working Bob" I spoke, "thanks she has no feelings whatsoever to Ivy" he spoke, seeing he was pretty mad. "Yeah well Gabby was born rude" I chuckled as I finished tacking up Blue Moon.

....1 hour later....

It was about one hour later, and everyone was in the indoor arena preparing their horses, for the tryouts. I was the first rider to go, I was confident but I was also a little nervous, especially with Gabby The Terrible behind me.

"Our first rider of the day is Jesse Phillips & her horse Blue Moon."

The announcer spoke over the large intercom, taking a deep breath I smiled then mounted. "Break a leg" Gabby spoke "I will not break a leg stop being mean" I spoke "not you dummy the horse I hope he breaks a leg."

She chuckled before walking back to her seat, whatever I thought as I cleared my mind, & headed to the first jump. My mind was blank as I jumped the vertical, the last jump was the 6 foot wall.

Ivy's POV
Clapping my hands, as Jesse made a clear but slow round, "you did great" I complimented as I prepared King. "Thanks I hope you do the same but faster," she spoke as she dismounted Blue, "I'm not that good."

I reminded as I quickly prayed hoping I would do good, "alright next we have Ms. Ivy Stan & her mount Silky King." The announcer spoke, kissing King once more we trotted out, "a clean ride so far for Ms. Stan."

The women behind the gate announced as we came to the very same vertical jump, Jesse jumped earlier. "You can do it boy" I whispered as we got closer, feeling his mighty legs leave the ground as we sailed over the vertical.

I was waiting to hear a clink, but there never was, "good boy" I cooed as I patted Kings shoulder that was dripping with sweat. "A great bond between horse & rider, right here in the arena that's something a judge is always looking for."

It felt like minutes have gone by, as we came up to the wall, "last jump boy, think about all the oats & carrots you'll get." I mentioned as the wall of bricks came closer & closer to us, closing my eyes, and loosing the reins.

Next thing I know we're soaring over the jump, but I had a bad feeling we were gonna knock a brick down. Once we landed I smiled "we did it boy, a clear round but was it fast enough" I asked myself?

"Very impressive round by Silky King & Ms. Stan with a time of 14 seconds, beating Ms. Harlow by 3 seconds." Smiling I wrapped my arms around Kings neck, "we did very good boy, I'm very proud of you, lets go find Jesse."

Trotting off to find Jesse talking on the phone, I waited, while I waited I dismounted King & walked over. "So how did you do," she asked as she slipped her phone back into her breeches, "14 seconds."

I cheered as I leaned in to hug her, "so that's three seconds shorter than mine, so you beat me by 3 seconds?" I nodded "but that doesn't change anything were still friends, it's not like it was the Olympic's."

I reminded as I grabbed Silky Kings reins, "well I have to go wash down King I'll see you later in the cafe." I spoke before taking King to the washroom to wash him off, and to put him to rest for the day.

....3 hours later....

Jessie & I were at the cafe when Gabby came waltzing in, "we're tied" she chirped before walking back outside. "Great in tied with Ivan The Terrible," I joked as I took a sip of my water, "your better though."

Jessie explained as she bit into her Cobb salad, "thanks listen I got to get going" I have an assignment to finish." I spoke before getting up & grabbing my phone, "same I'll see you tomorrow for class in the ring."

She spoke & we headed out separate ways, "sup newbie" Blake yelled as I felt his arm wrap around my shoulder. "Hi where have you been all day" I asked, "with my uncle buying a competition outfit & all."

He spoke as we walked into the building, and into elevator "you competing in Friday's Jump Off?" He questioned as he bit into a Slim Jim, "yeah I guess I didn't know there was a Jump Off."

"Great well I'll see you tomorrow."

I nodded then walked into my room I quickly undressed, showered then got into my pjs, once I was ready for bed. Crawling under the covers I finally fell asleep while watching the video on the go pro that is on my helmet.
well that was chapter 2 I hope you all enjoyed!!!! Please comment & vote or at least ask me a question!!! 

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