Chapter 1

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*Hinagiku P.O.V*
I heard from the others that the sidekicks will be here soon I'm looking forward to it

*Luka P.O.V*
I heard that the sidekicks will be here today and my sister is having a mission while I was reading a book me Canary left me because their is a urgent mission. Suddenly the door is open

"here is the library oh hello Luka" John speak to me behind him are Flash,Batman,Aquaman,Green Arrow and the sidekicks I reply

"hi John" and I bow to him politely he replied

"you don't have to be so polite Luka" then someone interrupted us

"Sorry I'm late everyone" we look behind and it was my sister

"Black Canary and I just got finished the mission" Batman ask

"it has something to do with the ice monster Hinagiku"

"that is correct anyway my name is Hinagiku Yanase alias is Yuuki Onna and the pink hair is my younger sister Luka alias is Kaminari" when she finished talking about introducing ourselves Flash told them with a warm smile

"make yourselves home everyone" all of them were relaxing but then we hear

"is this a joke why cant we become a full fledge member of the justice league" Green Arrow spoke

"calm down Roy"

"calm down I mean look at this" he pointed the window glass with full media.

*Hinagiku P.O.V*
I never expect that Roy will be mad mood today Green Arrow spoke

"stand down son"

Roy replied "or what to stay in the room your not my father I mean look at this we should be in the watch tower" me and the others are surprised and Batman glared at Green Arrow and he look down. Roy spoke

"I thought your my partner but not anymore and I guess there not ready" he look at us and left suddenly there is a call

"Zettana to justice league the Project Cadmus was having a huge explosion" Batman spoke

"were on our way stay put" with.that everyone left us.

*Luka P.O.V*
Batman and the others left us there is a long silence but someone broke

"Agh.. What the heck why can't they let us go with their mission"

the dark one spoke "my..king..I..thought he trust me"

I sigh and look at them "they trusted you guys and they wanted us to stay put"

I went to my sister because I noticed that she is injured even though she wont tell anyone

"Hina-nee your injured aren't you"

my sister reply "its just a small injured so I'm fine"

she pat my head and she look at them and said "um I don't want to be rude but can I ask what are your names"

the yellow one with the googles spoke "I am Kid Flash beautiful" he tried to kiss my sister and I say

"Lightning Dragon thunder wave" I paralyze Kid Flash and he spoke what's that for!?" I reply

"for flirting Hina-nee and I hate when someone doing sexual harrassment on her while I'm still around" I glare at him and my sister spoke

"I forgot to tell you my imouto-chan is over protective to me and I'm sorry for that" Kid Flash replied

"its okay um would you undo the paralze and what do you mean imouto-chan" he ask my sister and she said

"it means younger sister um what about you guys" he look at those two and the dark skin spoke

"I'm Aqualad and this is Robbin" I guess that's everyone I undo the paralze and Robbin ask

"what is Project Cadmus?" both of us froze and Kid Flash spoke

"you know the project Cadmus aren't you? Aqualad those two know"

Hinagiku reply "we know the project Cadmus and it is not oyr position if you really want to know you have my permission to hack the computer which you guys know"

*Hinagiku P.O.V*
when I told them that there have my permission to hack computer everyone surprised except Luka its hard to read her expression then Kid flash spoke

"you and Luka really are opposite I mean you can smile while her she couldn't Luka glared at him and said

"you don't have a right to compare us and you don't know what we've been through" I speak to her

"Lulu he didn't mean to compared us and don't be mad at him" she reply "you should be grateful that my sister has a soft heart" with that she sit on the couch.

*Aquaman P.O.V*
to be honest Kid Flash is right there are completely opposite I wonder why I went to Hinagiku while Robbin hack the computer to know about project Cadmus I ask Hinagiku in whisper so that Luka wont hear our conversation  

"can you tell me why does Luka hate being compared to you?" Hinagiku surprised  "you don't have to answer if you wanted to"

Hinagiku replied to me "you have the right to know Lulu didn't hate of being compared is just that it has something to do our past"

"it has something to do with your past why is that?"

"lets just say each person has their own reason why they change and it involves to their past I'm sorry Aqualad I cant tell you our past but I promise to tell you when the time comes"


"promise" she smiled at me and I look away.

Robbin P.O.V

I'm hacking the computer to know about Project Cadmus after I hack it I read all the information and call them

"guys you have to see this" all of us see the information about Cadmus except Luka because she knows but still I keep on thinking why Luka wont smile and its hard to read her expression and I made a decision

"we should investigate it"

Aqualad replied "to solve the case before the Justice League do?"

Kid Flash replied "if your going on a mission then I do what about you Hinagiku and Luka?" we look at those two and Hinagiku smiled at us

"it is an honor to join with you guys and I'll try my best to help you what about you Lulu?" we look at Luka, she sigh and said

"if Hina-nee goes then I'll go it will be my fault if I wasn't her side" Hinagiku gave her a hug

"imouto-chan kawaii" we don't  understand what they say but deep inside we know that Luka cares about Hinagiku even though she wont smile. with that we left and head to the building

"Luka P.O.V"

Hinagiku and I are helping them and save the scientist Hinagiku used her power to make the fire out while the other fireman say

"hey its the sidekick Flash boy, Kaminari and Yuuki-Onna"

Kid Flash mumble something "its Kid Flash why is it so hard"

I told him "do you want to help Kid Flash?"

he replied "going upstair or trying to paralyze me again"

"I am trying to help you if you'll still doubted me for what I did to you I'll leave you alone then with that I left him.

*Kid Flash .P.O.V*

 I was surprised that she was asking me if I wanted to go up to meet them or go on my own when I turn down her offer I can see she is hurt I guess its my fault that I turn down when I was about to go up I almost started to fall off then someone is shouting

"Lightning Dragon: Thunder Sphere" it was Luka who put me a sphere and she put me inside of the room and the sphere disappeared

"Thanks Luka I really appreciate for what you did and I'm sorry for turninng  down your offer" she shook her head and she said

"your welcome and apology accepted" even though Luka didn't smile I know deep inside she wanted to help people with that we went on the others

Thunder Goddess and Ice Goddess (Young Justice Robbin and Aqualad Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now