Chapter 1

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Wendella took a look at her reflection. Looking at the mirror was not going to do her any good though. All she saw there was a girl with limp blond hair, big hazel eyes hidden behind thick brown spectacles and thick lips. She had always hated her lips, they were thick and disgusting unlike the pouty lips she saw on models and actresses. Her complexion was pale and pasty. The brown shirt and jeans did not do anything to help her appearance, in fact she looked dumpy.

Only Brittany's, Tiffany's and Melanie's have all the luck in the looks department. Not me...I'll always look like a troll, Wendella scoffed. I'm called Wendella Isis Tabitha Charleston Hearth, I guess that's the main reason...if only mother had named me Natalie or something.

The irony was that people who looked like her were outstanding in academics but she was good at nothing. She looked like a dork and was no good at studies. A perfect combination, she laughed mirthlessly.

If only mother was alive then she would've helped Wendella stir up a perfect spell to make her beautiful and intelligent. Her mother had always been against spells that were done for selfish reasons. She would've understood why the spell was so important for Wendella to perform if she had seen Wendella in such state. It was up to Wendella to sort things out for herself.

"White witches always do spells to help others," that is what her mother always said. She also told her daughter about the three fold law. "Whatever good done comes back three times multiplied and whatever bad done comes back three times multiplied as well...which is why it is important to do spells to help others only."

Wendella had always helped people in need. The same people called her witch and spat at her in school. Brittany, who had been nothing but mean to her was in need of help once. Brittany's mother and father were fighting daily and their marriage was on the verge of divorce.

One day at school, Brittany had come crying to her, "Help me! Save my parents marriage Wendy...I know you can do magic because you're a witch."

That time when Brittany said the word 'witch' she said it hopefully unlike the other times when she had called Wendella a 'witch' in a degrading way as if it was bad that she was witch. Wendella felt bad for Brittany, so she consoled her and promised she would help her to save her parent's marriage.

It wasn't a hard spell really. The following evening, Brittany had come over to her house and helped her do the spell. Aphrodite's spell to clear misunderstandings and enhance love in a relationship. The spell had worked wonders and had stopped Brittany's parents from fighting.

"You did it Wendy!" Brittany called her in the night. "My parents have gone out for a dinner date tonight. A proper date! I can't thank you enough."

Wendella was happy, she was able to help the poor girl's parents. She was also glad about the fact Brittany would stop teasing her in school but she was wrong.

Next day at school she was welcomed by Brittany's boyfriend's taunt, "Where's your broomstick witch?"

Instead of telling her boyfriend to stop the teasing Brittany laughed, "She must have parked it with the cars hon."

It had always been that way. She helped people in trouble and they spat on her face. Not anymore...she was going to change things around. She was going to do two spells to change her life. She was tired of the harassment and taunts. Her mother's teaching had not helped her so she was going to do things her way. Her father was away for office, even though it was a Saturday night. He was a creative director in an advertising agency and his job left him very less time to spend with his daughter. He came home late every night and left early in the morning.

"Two spells to change my life," she smiled broadly at her reflection. "A love spell and a beauty spell. The Roman Goddess Venus and the Norse goddess Freya will help me tonight, after all my initials stand for W.I.T.C.H."

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