The Last Of Days

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If you are finding this and I am not with the journal that means I am dead or captured. My name is Desmond Park. i watched the world fade away and die. Some of us found shelter to hide while civilization collapsed. The food started to run out and when that happened people turned on each other. They fought over little scraps of food that they could find. When that happened I knew it was time to leave.

I set of on my own to find a place that still had governmental rule. A place like that sounded better than heaven. I toke all the food I could find and all the water i could carrie. There was not a lot of food but plenty of water. I got about 2 days of food and about 4 days of water.

This is my first night on my own. It is really different. If someone try's to attack me I am on my own I don't know what I would do. I couldn't find any weapons to take with me. I really hope I find one so I can protect myself. I started a small fire to keep warm not big enough to been seen from a far distance. I really don't want any trouble tonight.

It is day 2 of being on my own. In the middle of the night I woke up to people taking my food and water. There was 3 of them so I acted like I was dead. It was the smart thing to do didn't want to really be killed. In the morning when I set off I was walking for a little bit and i came across a squad of dead soldiers. All of the weapons were taken but I found a knife that they left in one of the soldiers leg. The people that killed them did't take the food they had. I have never heard of it before they were called M.R.E's they needed water witch I did't have. It was getting to become night I needed to start finding a place to sleep. I came across a cave it looked like a god place to stay the night. I went into the cave to see what was in there it was a camp. I found all of the gear from the soldiers. I grabbed a rifle and 2 mags of ammo and left. I didn't want to be there when they came back.

day 3. I slept in a run down house. It was not home but it had to do it was really dark and I could not see a thing. The thing is i have never even shot a gun before let alone killed some one. If I had to I think I could do it. At lest thats what i want to think. Its time to find food I am starving and very thirsty. I found an old gas station. I went in it and found a dead body it was rotting away and the smell was so bad that I had to run out of there. I couldn't stand it anymore. When I got out i threw up then I looked up and there was 3 men looking at me. One of them hit me in the face with his rifle. I hit the ground and my head bounced on the concrete.

Night 3. When I woke up I was in a cage. I didn't see where they have taken me but Im guessing that it is the guys that killed the soldiers. They came back with some food for me and asked where I got the rifle from? I said that. I found it. One of them hit the cage and asked again where I got the rifle from? I said. That i found it in a cave next to some dead soldiers. When they went to back to what they were doing. I toke a stick and pushed the button that opens the cage door. I grabbed the things I had when they toke me and I started to leave. Then I knocked over a pan on my way out. They turned and looked at me so I ran as fast as I could. They were chasing me. I ran into A building and hid in a room. Then some one grabbed me from behind and told me to be quiet or they would kill me. It was a girl that saved my life from the people that toke me.

I asked her why she saved me. She said because she still has hope in humanity. She said her name was claire and asked me what mine was? I said my name was Desmond Park. She asked why those men were after me? I said. i don't know. They knocked me out and toke me away. I asked her if she knows of a place that still has laws? She said. There is nothing like that anymore. I asked if she wants to come with me to find one? She said. Yes

We waited for about an hour or at lest it felt like it. We were in a small room. 5 minutes felt like 20. She opened the door and looked out side. It was clear they moved on. We left and looked for a place to stay the night. She spotted a empty building it looked like a good place to stay at the time so we did. We started a fire to keep warm for the night. She asked why I wanted to find a place that still had a government? I said because then I can have hope in the human race again if there is.

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