Well this is great

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Y/n your name


Narrator's pov

Y/n was 5 years old when she started training with whis. So of course Y/n would be a very strong fighter as strong as her dad Goku, at a young age. Yes Y/n can instant transmision, do all sorts of key blast, kamahamaha wave, fly,all the stuff they do.oh and she can also tell if a person is a human , demon , reaper ect she was born with it . But she can't turn super saiyan I wonder why ..... jk I know, but you don't hehehehe anyway lets see what our gorgeous half saiyan is doing now.

Y/n pov

Beep beep beep beep AHHHHHH SHUT UP (throws alarm clock out window). Wanna go back to sleep stupid alarm clock *mumbles other mean things under breath*............................................................................................... "BAMMM" AHHH WHAT THE FUGE ,MOTHER TRUCKER, WHO'S THERE you look around and it's your twin bro Goten. "WITCH" ( it stands for bi***) YOU SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME.

Goten's pov

HAHAHAHA I know,you should have seen the look on your face,and Mother trucker really. "What I don't say cuss words ok ". Awww your so innocent (goten says while hugging his sister). "Ahhh get off me and what do you want". Man your really not a morning person are you , well anyway mom wants you to get dress and eat breakfast.

Y/n pov

"Fine" you pick out

"Fine" you pick out

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And your hair

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And your hair

And your hair

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