The Phone Call

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On a Wednesday afternoon...

98.5- "Hey you're the lucky winner for the tickets for the Falling In Reverse concert" they has said in a monotone voice.

Erin- "Oh my god!" she said in grand excitement, thank you so much, this means the world to me!"

98.5- "And who will the lucky other be that you will be taking?"

Erin- "My best friend", she said excitedly.

98.5- "Well come down to the station anytime before February 6th.!"

Erin- "okay.!"

                                                       -phone call ends-

"Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod!!" Erin cries out, not believing that happened to her. She sits there on her bed dying of anxiety and the feeling of being overwhelmed. She runs frantically and out of breath, and with excitement picks up her phone with the intention of calling her best friend, Alizabelle. As she picks up her phone shakily she realizes that she can't keep a hold on her phone and drops in onto her fuzzy rug, "shit!" she exclaims in frustration. Why do these things always happen to me?! she has, furiously in her thoughts. She took 3 deep breaths, in and out, in and out. She has slowly started picking up her phone in grand fear that she will drop in again and possibly shatter it. Luckily she has picked it up and did not shatter it. She silently congratulated herself and continued to dial her best friend. She held her phone in her hand shakily and dialed 01223-335-7095... phone rings, someone answers...

Alizabelle- "hello?", she says sounding tired, like shes being woken up from a long nap but Erin doesn't notice.

Erin- "hey! guess what!", Erin says quite loudly into Alizabelle's ear.

Alizabelle- "what..?" she says softly

Erin- "we have tickets to the Falling In Reverse concert Friday!" Erin said excitedly

Alizabelle wakes up, "DUDE WHAT?! NO WAY! HOW!!"

Erin says gloating, "I called 98.5"

Alizabelle- "Nice job dude, ill be right over to jam out and celebrate"

                                                             -phone call ends-

Alizabelle takes the phone away from her ear squinting at the large amount of light radiating off of her phone. She sits there and contemplates why she might've said she would get out of bed maybe longing for the feeling of not ever leaving her bed.

"Hey belle!" a voice shouts from the other room.

" Yeah mom?!" she shouts back

"You need to come down and eat!" after her mother said that she sighed very loudly.

Belle ignored the request of her going to eat instead she got up and looked over her body in the mirror a good 50 times and pointed out every single flaw you could ever imagine, "your'e too big, i see that muffin top, why are your legs formed like that.. " etc. As she stands there, frozen in disgust her mother shouts again for her to come and eat but she absolutely refuses. standing there, she feels her eyes well up, with warm salty tears that gently stream down her face. The sight that she is seeing in the mirror isn't a sight at all. It's the looks of nothingness and despair and regret. Belle walks toward her wall, turns around, and leans her back onto the hard wall and slides down it while wiping the warm tears that are streaming down her face. She can't bring herself to eat.. its been 2 days already and all she can ever think about are the thoughts of;

-i'm so fat

-i can't do this anymore..

So she gives in, she frantically gets up finding the box of relief that is in the bottom drawer of her dresser buried underneath a pile of clothes. She opens it up in awe, looking at the numerous pieces of metal that are to a point and she picks up her favorite one that she drew on so she could pick it out from the others. So she pulls down her pants to her knees and sat down and drags her lovely piece of metal across her thigh in relief in that she would forget the need to eat. She watches the blood flow down the side of her thigh in amazement. After a couple minutes she snapped out of it and realized that she needed to be at Erin's house like she said she would be so she quickly wiped up all the blood. She stood up and threw away the tissues uncovered revealing the blood that has escaped her body. She finally turned on the light in her room revealing the true damage she had done to her thigh. Ignoring that she continues with getting ready to go to Erin's house. She stepped up and walked to her dresser picked out a pretty purple crop top and navy blue jeans to hide her thigh, also a black over throw because its cold outside.

"Bye mom" she yells hoping her mom doesn't realize she hasn't eaten.

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