Grenade [Reid/Morgan]

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"You think the UnSub will show up?" Morgan asked the young genius.

"He should, it wouldn't be like him to change his schedual." Reid said.

"Yeah, I really want to get this one over with."

{Easy come, easy go, that's just how they are, oh try to end the case but it will restart}

Reid though he heard something rustle in the bushes, but dismissed it since it was so vague.

{Should've know, it was trouble, from the get go, there was no wind blowing, but there was rustling?}

"It's getting late. Give it another minute and I'll call Hotch." Morgan walked over to Reid.

"Yeah. Sounds good."

{You're everything I have, I won't toss it in the trash, won't toss it in the trash, I won't.}

Out of the corner of his eye, Reid saw something stand up front a bush. Morgan had his back faced to a man holding a gun, and Reids instincts kicked it.

"Morgan look out!" Reid tackled Morgan to the ground as a gunshot rang in the air.

{To save my only love's my one and only task so, shouldn't you understand that I'd catch a grenade for ya.}

Morgan felt pain on his head and looked over at his friend laying in the ground.

{Throw my hand on a blade for ya, I'd jump in front of a train for ya, you know I'd do anything for ya, oh oh oh}

"REID!!!" Morgan scrambled over to his friend as the unsub ran away.

{I would go through all this pain, take a bullet straight through my brain.}

Reid coughed up blood a bit.


{Yes I would die for you baby, and you would do the same.}

"No no no no no no! Reid, stay with me!" Reid coughed out more and Morgan immediately called Hotch.

{Black, black, black and red, I am bleeding out, I'll protect you and I'll save you from any form of harm.}

"Damnit, come on pick up! Reid talk to me!" Morgan shook Reids body.

"Morgan, I'm...I'm fine..."

"Reid you're bleeding from your chest, you are not fine!" The sound of a phone being picked up stopped Morgan dead.


{Mad villains, bad villains, that's who I will stop, take the pain from your body and your body from the harm}

"Hotch! Get an ambulance now! Reid's down!" Morgan shouted into the phone on speaker while putting his hand over reid's wound.

"Already done, we'll be there immediately, meanwhile do everything to help him."

{You're everything I have, I won't toss it in the trash, won't toss it in the trash, I won't.}

"Hotch...Morgan..." Reid coughed more violently, some blood coming out of his mouth.

"Reid, stay calm and focus on Morgan." Hotch told the kid.

"Spence we're coming! Please hang on!" JJ's voice sounded from the phone.

"Mmmmkaay...." Drowsiness began to wash over Reid.

{To save my only love's my one and only task so, shouldn't you understand that I'd catch a grenade for ya.}

The sound of a siren caused Morgan to jump a bit, seeing the ambulence come into view.

"OVER HERE!!!" He shouted as the paramedics ran over to them.

{Throw my hand on a blade for ya, I'd jump in front of a train for ya, you know I'd do anything for ya, oh oh oh!}

"Mmmderek..." When Morgan heard Reid call him by his real name, he knew something was wrong.

"Spencer, stay with me, I'm not loosing you!" Spencer was like a brother to Derek, and it was his job to watch over him.

{I would go through all this pain, take a bullet straight through my brain, yes I would die for you baby, and you would do the same}

Morgan followed the paramedics into the ambulence as the team arrived.

"Hospital, now!" Morgan shouted as the ambulence doors closed.

{If my body was on fire, ooh you'd come and put out the flames, you say you love me I return that cause I really, really, really do baby!}

Reid was immediately attached to a heart monitor, and got worked on, Morgan sitting next to him.

"You have to save him, do anything you have to!"

{So darling I'd still catch a grenade for ya! Throw my hand on a blade for ya!}

When everyone arrived at the hospital, they waited anxiously for the news on their youngest member.

"Spencer Reid?" The Team stood up, and the doctor took a deep breath.

"He's in stable condition. You can see him"

{I'd jump in front of a train for ya, you know I'd do anything for ya, oh oh oh!}

After giving their concerns, the team let Morgan and Reid have their alone time.

"Kid, what the hell were you thinking?" Morgan broke the silence.

"I was thinking that I'd rather die than watch you die."

{I would go through anything null this pain, take a bullet straight through my brain! Yes I would die for you baby, and you would do the same.}

"Don't ever do that again, nearly gave me a heart attack."

{Yes you would do the same}

"Well, no promises." They both laughed.

"Did you just make a joke pretty boy?" Morgan asked.


{You'd always do the same!}

"Hey Morgan?"

"Yeah kid?"

"I...I love you."

{Oh yes you would do the same.}

Morgan laughed and kissed Reid on the head.

"Love you too."

{Yeah, Yeah yeah yeah.}

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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