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Olivia's POV

"You are such a disappointment." Mother said. "You couldn't even act like a princess and marry the father." Mother said.

"And that boyfriend of yours." Father said. "You mean Nick." I say. "Whatever his name was, he has tattoos." He said. "Olivia, are you doing this just to spite us?" Mother asked.

"He's a great guy." I said.

"He has tattoos! No respectable gentlemen would have those!" Father said. "And if his family allowed him to then they must be equally bad."

"The Carewood's are amazing people." I say. "Then why do they allow him to have tattoos?" Father fired. "Because they let him control his own life. Unlike you ever did for me." I snap.

"Olivia, your daughter needs a father." Mother said. "She has a father. He's back home with his family and girlfriend." I say.

"Oh please. If he's the father of your child he should be ready to marry you." Mother said. "He is Emily's father. However, he doesn't love me like he used to. He loves Nicole who is a wonderful woman and is a better match for him than I ever was." I say.

"You're too good for this tattooed man." Father said. "Oh my gosh. Father, Nick is an amazing man who has goals in life just like me. He understands me and has helped me with Emily since we've known each other." I say.

"No daughter of mine will be involved with someone who has tattoos." Father says. "Oh my gosh. Father, enough. How did you even know he had tattoos?" I say.

"While we were on the jet coming here to Taaron, you had fallen asleep and he took off his jacket to cover you. I saw a tattoo on his arm." He explained.

"So what? He has tattoos. It's not like he's a criminal." I say. "He's not. A criminal." I add when Father went to say something.

"And if he was such a bad, heartless guy, would he have taken his jacket off for me?" I ask. "That is besides the point. He's a bad person I'm positive." He says. "You don't even know him! He's an amazing guy. He's also really, sweet." I say.

"Wait a minute. You don't, love him, do you?" Father asked. "No. Yes? Maybe, I don't know." I say. "You are not allowed to love him." Mother said.

"Oh, so now you're telling me who I can't love? You can't control who I love Mother!" I snap.

"You will not talk back to your mother." Father said. "You're not allowed to see him ever again. You are not allowed to go back to America either. You will stay here and learn how to be a princess because obviously you don't know." Mother said.

"I will not stay away from Nick and certainly will not stay here. My whole life is there and I will not leave it." I say.

"Go to your room now and send that Nick fellow here." Father said. "And if I don't?" I ask.

"You don't want to know." Mother said. I would go to my room, but I wouldn't send Nick. It wouldn't be fair to him.

I storm out of the room and run up to my bedroom.

"You look mad." Nick stated as I entered the bedroom. "Kill me now." I groan as I fall back onto my bed.

A few seconds later Nick had pulled me to sit upright and was sitting next to me. "What happened?" He asked.

"I warned you that my father didn't like anyone with tattoos. Didn't I?" I say, just to make sure. "Yes, but on the jet you fell asleep so I covered you with my jacket." He says and kisses me before I can respond.

So I kissed him back. His kiss was passionate and loving, sending sparks through me. The sparks were electrifying and made me feel alive.

It wasn't something I've ever felt before, but I loved it.

A few minutes later, I hear Father yelling my name. "Drats, I'm in trouble." I mumble as I pulled away from Nick.

"Why?" He asks. "I might have been told to send you to the throne room and ignored that." I said.

Nick's POV 

"I might have been told to send you to the throne room and ignored that." She told me. I laughed. "What am I going to do with you?" I joked.

"I better go to the throne room so that you don't get into trouble." I told her. "No, don't do that. I want them to know they can't control me." She said.

"Olivia, I'm going to have to go down there anyway. We might as well save you from getting in trouble." I told her.

"Oh please. I used to get into trouble every week. So don't go." She said and pulled me into a kiss.

It was pretty much impossible for me to not kiss her back. So I ended up kissing her passionately and lovingly.

When we pulled apart for air, I tried to go down to her parents, but she pulled me back to her.

"Don't. It'll just prove to them that they can still control my entire life." She says. "I'd rather you not get into any trouble." I say, but she shook her head.

Realizing that she wanted to prove to her parents that they don't control her, I sit back down and kiss her as passionately as I could.

She began to kiss me back and I felt something in her kiss. I couldn't figure out what it was though.

There was something about her kisses. I've dated other girls before, but I've never felt as alive as I do when I'm with Olivia.

One thing's for sure. I'm never letting her go. Not without a fight.

Richard's POV

I walked into Olivia's room angrily, but stop in my tracks when I saw her and that boy kissing. Visibly passionate.

For the first time in my life, I didn't know how to react. This was my youngest daughter. My youngest child.

She was kissing someone who has tattoos with visible passion.

He pulled away from her after a minute and Olivia just stared at him, her eyes full of affection.

My anger returned almost immediately after that. "Olivia Eloise Rosaline Cheryl Isabelle Stevens!" I yell and she looks over at me. As did that boyfriend of hers.


"I'm not going to let you and Mother control me. I already told you this." She yelled.

"You are to stay here and think young lady, while this young man has a talk with me and your mother." I said, walking out of the room. That tattooed boy is smart enough to follow me.

"Sir, don't be angry with Olivia. She's just tired of you and your wife trying to control her." He said as we walked.

"However, she had disobeyed her mother and my orders. That is unacceptable for a princess. Especially one of Taaron." I say.

"So what? We're teenagers. We're not gonna always obey our parents. Trust me, I'm a perfect example of that." He says.

"You mean by your tattoos?" I asked with disgust in my voice.

"Actually, that's just one of them. My mom doesn't exactly agree with tattoos since they're permanent. You can like it at first, but then want to get rid of it later on. However, she understood that I was going through a rough time when I got them so she didn't punish me." He says.

"Do you know why she left Taaron?" I asked before I could stop myself. "She wanted a normal life. She had planned on coming back in a few years though, until she found out she was gonna become a mom." He says.

"Why did you think she left?" He asks curiously. I didn't say anything. I remained silent.

"I see where Olivia gets that from." He says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "When she doesn't want to answer something, or if it's too personal or hard for her, she goes silent." He explains.

She's like me?

We get to the throne room where my beautiful wife is before I can think about that.

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