Chapter 4: Virgin

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Cassidy P.O.V

"Can I ask you something?", he said.

"Yah", I said."what is it?"

"Well that guy you were talking to", he started, "Is he your boyfriend?" I smirked. Then look over at him. He seemed pretty serious about this so I stopped laughing.

"Kevin!", I smiled." No why would you think that?"

"I guess because you guys seemed really close in the gym", He said. His cheeks turning a bright red. I giggled at him being nervous. When we were young he would blush when he was nervous or guilty. When we tried to cover up something bad we did, his blush would get us in trouble.

"Well he you know make a move, but I said no", I said."I mean, I can't lie I did kind of like him a little." My cheeks get hot and I look down. Ice never said that out loud.

"Oh so you do like him", he said chuckling.

"No", I said."I did, that's past tense." He chuckles and wraps his arm's around my shoulders. I jump a little taken aback by the gesture but then settle into him. We haven't done this in a long time and the comfort felt good.

"As long as my friends stay the same," he said." I don't care about anything else." He looked down and smiled. I smiled back not really feeling like it. Something about what he said made me feel like I had been stabbed in the heart. He had been gone so long it was like he had no right to say that we shouldn't change. I surely didn't want to stay the same little Cassidy that he knew 5 years ago, and I certainly wasn't still that Cassidy either.

"What do you mean b..."

"Hey, Cass! Bryson!!", we turned around and saw Sammy walking towards us. We waved and Bryson let go of my shoulders.

"Where have you been?", I asked knowing she wouldn't tell me the truth.

"I was at a friends house", she said giving Bryson a hug then coming to me for a hug."I needed to help him with homework."

"Mhhm", I said."What's this person name?" She looked at me and smiled nervously. I knew I sounded like a nosey mother but I couldn't let history repeats itself.

"Umm", she said. I knitted my eyebrows in concern. She shuffled on her feet nervously. She never did that with me.

"Why don't you tell her", Bryson said chuckling. Sammy shot him a look and punched his arm.

"Shut up, I will get la chancla", she hissed. Bryson tried not to look amused as she bent to take her flip flop off. when she was done threatening him, she looked at me and smiled worriedly.

"Tell me what?", I asked.

"Nothing he was playing", she said latching her arm with mine." Let's walk home together, my parents aren't home and mom made her famous pumpkin pie."

"Don't change the subject", I said. If she was in any trouble I needed to know so that I could help her.

"Just tell her", Bryson antagonized.

"Alright, that's enough Bryson!", Sammy yelled. I could hear Bryson's muffled laughs behind me. Was it that important that she would get mad over it? I hope she wasn't hiding anything serious or even dangerous. But Bryson wouldn't laugh if it was bad. But then again he'd probably be the one to coerce her to do it anyway. These two with their secrets.

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