Chapter 1

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Ashely POV

I woke up and I reached around the dresser for my glasses I heard them fall

"oh my god" I said reaching and patting the ground I couldn't get up because I might step on them then I'm blind as a bat it's hard wearing glasses because you need your glasses to find your glasses

I finally grabbed them I got up and took a shower I put my hair in a loose bun like always I put on my regular jeans and my sweat shirt. I put my headphones in I grabbed a orange and walked to school I played If I should by jaytekz

I'm sick and tired of being sick of life fuck tomorrow I wanna die tonight

The words spoke to me it told me to do something something to help myself and the world

I walked into school no one looked at me it was like I was invisible in this school I mean literally people bump into me and say I didn't see you there.

When I got to my lockers he first bell rang the bells are 7 minutes apart so I had 7 minutes to get to my first period class Algebra I its my worst class I grabbed my book and my notebook.

I got to class sat in the back and waited for her to start she drew on the board math problem and told us to solve them I started doing all the work I heard this group of boys talking it was Michael Banks and his friends Nick Parker, and Myles Bays they were always loud it wasn't nothing new. I always wondered what if was like to have friends no one ever pays attention to me.

"Gentleman quit talking and compete the questions" the teacher said then didn't respond I heard one of the mumble 'suck my dick' the rest of them laughed it wasn't very funny to me it was disrespectful but I didn't say anything i seen one of them peek at my paper then jot down a answer

I was done already I lied my head down on the desk I bet this was all we were going to do today I slowly drifted of into a light sleep

I woke up to the bell ringing loudly "give me your papers as you walk out" the teacher said I got up and gave her my paper and walked out of class next period was English lucky I was good at this class.


This chapter is boring I know but keep reading it get better

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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