⌞Chapter 1 : First Day⌟

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"Chan woo...it's not the end of the world."

Bin said looking at his childhood best friend Chanwoo who was pouting. "Easy for you to say. You don't have to move go to Tokyo for 2  years." Chanwoo watched as the workers rolled the boxes from his house to the moving truck. "It will suck not having you as a neighbor for 2 years. You not coming into my house and messing with me while I'm trying to sleep peacefully." Bin said nodding his head along with Chanwoo. "I'll defiantly miss your sister who is so sexy-" "Stop it!" 

Chanwoo let out a laugh while Bin stared at him wide-eyed. "I'm just kidding." Bin rolled his eyes and crossed his arms again. "I'm really going to miss you. You're my best friend. Who do I hang out with while you're away?"

"You'll find someone. You have that Moon Bin charm." Chanwoo gave him a thumbs up and he saw his mom leave the house holding her duffle bag. "Chanwoo! Come on our plane leaves in 20 minutes!" 

Bin looked at his best friend who looked sad down. "Don't worry. I'll be back eventually." Chanwoo and Bin hugged one last time before Chanwoo picked up his backpack and ran towards the car his family was getting into to.

That was a year ago and Bin did make a new best friend. Kang Chan Hee. A little bit after Chanwoo left Chan Hee was re-introduced to an older childhood friend by his mom. She said Chan Hee just moved to the neighborhood a couple streets down and they hit it off. Of course Bin face timed Chanwoo to tell him the news and Chanwoo was excited because he too used to be friends with Chan Hee. Now it was Bin's 2nd year of high school and Chan Hee's first year.

"I don't want to go hyung." 

Chan Hee whined while they ate breakfast downstairs. "It wont be that bad. Besides it's our first day." Bin watched Chan Hee pick at the bowl of scrambled eggs and toast. It was something simple and easy to cook besides his mom had to run off to work this morning. "I guess." Chan Hee ate slowly not bothering to pick up the pace. Unlike Bin who was eating quickly. "How are you even up anyways?" Chan Hee knew that his friend was always asleep. "I want to get through the school day~"

"You both need to get to walking-" "AND WE HAVE TO WALK TO!?" Chan Hee interrupted Bin's mom who looked amused. "Chan Hee you'll be fine. I packed you both lunches anyways." Bin and Chan Hee thanked her before putting them in their bags. "Okay bye mom~" Chan Hee stuffed some toast into his mouth and was pulled out the door by Bin.

Luckily the school wasn't far away from Bin's house. Just a five to ten minute walk depending on how fast they walked. During their break Bin and Chan Hee would go out to lunch almost everyday and hang out. Chan Hee is much louder than Bin but that's what made them best friends. 

Once at the school Chan Hee looked around with a frown on his face. "Come on we have to go to the gym to get our schedules and stuff." Bin said dragging his friend up to the school. The first day was always a chill day so Bin wasn't as worried. He had time to show Chan Hee around while making sure he knew where to go also. 

Bin saw a group of girls standing near the school gate smiling and giggling at them. "Ah the girls are friendly here." Chan Hee said happily waving back at the three girls causing Bin to chuckle. "Maybe school wont be so bad huh." Bin dragged his friend in past the girls who blushed at Chan Hee's flirtiness. He turned around the gate and gasped.

Okay so you know those cliche moments where you know you met someone that will change your life? The famous 'I knew he was different' line? Well this exactly that.

"Whoa dude I'm sorry." 

Bin had ran into someone which caused him to jump. In front of him stood a boy with messy hair, a bed head, and a untucked uniform. He had a worried expression. "It's okay." Bin said quickly and he watched the boy run up to a girl who was stepping out of a long stretch limo. 

Ah who is he? He is so...different. 

"Bin, come on we have to go to the gym." Chan Hee said hearing the first bell ring. "Okay Okay yeah." Bin said stuttering over his words. 


Once they were in the gym Chan Hee flirted his way to some girls heart already. Bin watched amused as Chan Hee talked to a short girl with dark black hair. Bin felt someone tap his shoulder and he turned around to see the guy from earlier.  "Hey dude..I thought I introduce myself after you know..running into your earlier. My name is Park Min Hyuk but I go by Rocky. " Bin was surprised when Min Hyuk held out his hand. With a small smile forming Bin shook it. "Moon Bin. And that is Kang Chan Hee." 

"Sure is a flirt." Rocky said pulling his hand away noticing the other male who now had three girls talking to him.

"You got that right." Bin honestly wondered why he couldn't flirt with girls the way his male friends did. He heard a rumor from last year that he was nicknamed 'Mr. Friend-zone'. He wondered if that's how girls saw him. Someone who would friend zone them.  "What year are you?" Rocky asked after a few seconds of silence. 

"2nd you?"


Bin didn't know why he felt so excited talking to Rocky , but he was. "Well , maybe we'll have some of the same classes." Bin said as the principle walked on stage. "I'll see you later Binnie." Rocky teased and walked back to his group of friends. 


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