I hate silence, it is quite and quick, leaving you with your thoughts. The silence makes you think, it can make you think dangerous thoughts. That is why I hate silence. It is just waiting there, sitting staring, waiting for you to crumble, to break, to fall. It will wait, and wait, never getting old or dying, just waiting for you to die inside. Even if you stay strong your whole life, one point when you are alone in your room trying to fall asleep, he will loom over your bed like a monster. He will creep into your dreams and thoughts, whispering lies and doubts into them. If the first time doesn't work he will come again and again, until you must muffle your screams of pain and fear. He will come until you break inside like a piece of glass when dropped. He will shatter you inside to very small pieces, turning your mind into shards, big and small . But instead of sweeping it up and throwing it away and getting a new piece you must put it back together. Piece by piece, shard by shard. You wonder, when can I stop putting it back together? You just want to give up the puzzle of a million pieces, to sleep and not care. But that is when silence returns and will begin to slowly take apart the puzzle once again. Piece by piece.
Hi this is my first piece, I might continue on it but please tell me what you think!