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Its November 23, 2014, 7 pm. Same old same old school things... Then.


Goes my phone, wondering who would be messaging me.

I picked up my phone and open it seeing a name I dont recognize.

"Samantha Smith?" I asked my self trying to remember a Samantha Smith. "Ow from chemistry class". I opened the message and started chatting with her.

S: Hi Alex
A: Hey Samantha
S: Can I ask you something? Its about our homework at chemistry.
A: Yeah sure. Ask away.
S: Thank you so much. Haha.
S: So, Ummm. Whats that law that says the amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is proportional to it partial pressure?
A- Oh that. Thats Henry's Law.
S- Oooowww. Haha Thank you Alex.
S- Hey one more thing.
S- What does the nucleus of a hydrogen atom consists of?
A- Haha. Just 1 proton.
S- Thanks again Alex!! Haha
S- Hey dont you just love chem? Like you're good at it. You could be a chemist. Haha :D
A- Haha. Nah I just pay attention in class thats all.
S- Hahaha. :D
S- Hey I think I have to go now. Friends? :)
A- Yeah, friends. ;)
S- Well Goodnight Alex.
A- See you later Samantha


November 30, 2014

I was walking down the hallway about to go out the exit of the school. But then I was stoped by a crowd of people. Shouting and giggling. And someone was singing a romantic song.

"Tsk. What the hell is this." I told myself. I ignored the crowd and went to the other exit.

When I got home went straight to my room and to bed. I got a good 30 minute nap then *ding* goes my phone. It was Samantha.

S- Hey Alex!! Haha!! :3
A- Well hello there Sam. You seem happy. Haha.
S- Well mister.. You wont believe what James did for me after class at school today!! :)
A- What was it?
S- He gave me a bouquet of roses!!
S- And he sang for me!!
S- He was so sweet.

Me reading her messages I remembered, the hallway the crowd of people the romantic song. It was Sam and James? James? James?! The school play boy?!

A- What happened after
S- He is now my bf. No one has ever done something so big for me. So sweet and brave of him.

I wanted to tell her that James is a dick, a play boy, a bad guy. I wanted to tell that to her. But instead.

A- Well i'm happy for you Sam.
S- Hahaha thanks Alex.

I was jealous that time. I dont know why. I might like Samantha.

S- He told me he has a surprise for me next week. I'm so exited!! I cant wait!! Hahaha.
A- well whatever it is stay safe and have fun.
S- Sure thing Alex.
S- Well I gotta go. Goodnight Alex.
A- Night Sam.

What the hell! I feel like something bad is about to happen.


I just got home from my morning work out. Haven't heard from Samantha yet so I messaged her.

A- Sam?
S- Ow. Hey Alex.

I felt like she was sad or something when she replied.

A- Is everything okay?
S- Nothing is okay Alex.
S- I feel like the world betrayed me.
S- You know about that "surprise" I told you about right?
S- Well I got a dressed up for the "surprise" and went to the meeting place..
S- When I got there. SURPRISE!! I saw my best friend Heaven and James holding hands with my very own eyes!!!
S- What a surprise indeed.
A- Did James see you?
S- No. But Heaven did, and she didn't give a damn.
S- She just looked at me like I wasn't there! What a best friend she was.
A- I'm here for you Sam.
S- I just cant get over it!! My best friend!!
S- Thank you Alex. I just have to let all my feelings out.
A- Let them all out Sam. You'll move one eventually.
S- Thanks a lot Alex.. for lighting up my day.
A- That's nothing Sam.
S- Alex I forgot to tell you.
S- Heaven is my classmate tomorrow. And i dont think im ready to face them. What should I do Alex. :(
A- Just ignore those bastards. Sow them how strong you are. ;)
S- You're right!! I'll enter that classroom as if nothing happened.
S- Oops. I almost forgot. I got chores to do. Thanks again Alex. Goodbye. :D
A- Good luck with the chores Sam. Haha.
S- Whatever Alex. :P hahaha. But seriously gotta go bye!! :)
A- GoodNight Sam. :)

On Monday which was the day after, Sam was at school but had to fake sick to go home early cause she can't hold back her tears anymore. After 3 Days she moved on.

Thursday after school I was at home, in bed. Still no message or a reply from her. Then...


S- Hi Alex.
A- Samantha. Are you mad at me?
S- Mad? Why, should I be? 
A- Well you know. About what happened last monday. I gave you a shit advice and it made you sad.
S- Haha. Alex everything is okay between you and me. You understand? :)
A- Yeah, i understand. :)
S- I know you would. :D
S- Alex.. I've been getting messages from james lately and i dunno what to do.
A- Just ignore him.
S- But his said "Samantha let me explain"
S- "Answer my calls please"
S- "We need to talk about this"
A- Block him Sam. Delete everything involving him.
S- Yeah. I'll block him. It might be one of his lies again.
S- Anyways.. did you receive my package today? :D
A- A package? For me?
S- I guess? No idea. Go check your mail.
A- Be right back then.
S- Quick!! XD

Run down to get that package. It was a small package, me curious what's inside it i went back to my room and opened it.

S- Sooo? What did you get?
A- I got my favorite chocolate bar.
S- Awwww yeah!! :D
A- Hahaha. Thanks Sam but whats the occasion?
S- Well..
S- You have just been such a good friend to me Alex.
S- I remember the first day we met. You helped me with my home work. XD
S- You helped me get over James and Heaven.
S- You.. You're just a great person i know i can trust. :)
A- Awww. Thanks Sam. I'll always be here for you. :)
S- So now i think its a perfect time to ask you something.

My heart was racing. It felt like it was about to explode!! I hope she's gonna ask me what i think shes gonna ask me.

Not that long hope you liked the first part. ^.^ follow me on instagram (@youlergic) jk that's my sister's.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2016 ⏰

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