Part One

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Jongin was already sitting in front of his window, curtains pulled just enough so that he could see clearly across to the neighboring apartment building. He knew exactly what he was looking for and that person should be getting home right about.... Now.

Jongin smirked to himself as he watched the front door open and close and a beautiful blonde in a navy blue suit stride in and loosen his tie.

Jongin wasn't a pervert. He wasn't a peeping tom. No... he considered himself a voyeur. Though, he guessed 'pervert' and 'peeping tom' were as much the same.

He realized he'd gotten lucky almost two years ago when he first caught a glimpse of his neighbor undressing. That was two days after Jongin had moved into his apartment. He'd been moving boxes back and forth, room to room, when he walked past the sliding glass door leading onto the balcony. He hadn't even meant to stop, but a small bird had flown into the glass and it startled him. He walked over to the door and looked outside, but the little bird had already gathered its strength and took off again.

Jongin took the moment to take in the view. There wasn't really much to see. A few small shrubs lined the sidewalk below. The building next door blocked any other decent view that Jongin might have had. He let out a sigh. At least the rent was reasonable. Just as he was about to turn around and get back to unpacking, the curtains fluttered open in the apartment directly across from his.

Jongin paused. Oh. Oh.

So, he was wrong about the view.

Jongin had never had any interest in spying on people. It was just this guy. Jongin couldn't help it. His interest was piqued from the moment Jongin had laid eyes on him. There was just something about him. The curl of his fingers as he delicately unclasped the buttons of his shirt. His lithe, pale body and perfect milky thighs. And that ass.

Jongin really was a pervert. He just couldn't find it in his heart to be ashamed about it. Besides, it's not like anyone knew what he did in his spare time. He didn't really have any friends outside of work, so no one bothered to ask. Not that he'd tell them anyway. This was his secret. His dirty, little secret.

It was almost as if Jongin were dating him. He had a standing date with his neighbor every evening at half past six. Jongin would sometimes make up scenarios in his head. Occasionally, on a good day, the blonde next door would dance skillfully and sinfully throughout his apartment, clad in only his boxers, and Jongin would scour his playlist for a song that best fit whatever dance the beautiful man was performing for him. Jongin pictured himself sitting in a chair in that apartment, breathing heavily as the man dipped low and rolled his hips in time with the music, the curve of his ass just barely ghosting over the jean fabric covering Jongin's cock.

Jongin sometimes wondered if the man knew that people could see him. There were times when he'd finally work up the nerve to walk to the adjacent building and confront him, but each time he'd push that thought to the back of his mind because he's home now and he's taking his shirt off and.... Just one more time couldn't hurt. It was always just one more time.

This was another of those "one more time" circumstances. Jongin had waited for him to arrive home and, though he had wanted desperately to tell the man that he should probably think about closing his curtains the next time he starts stripping, he couldn't. He was enthralled. This guy was like an addiction that Jongin couldn't kick.

Maybe the guy was completely oblivious to the fact that Jongin could see him. He had to be. Any sane person would have kept their curtains closed during their more "intimate" moments. This guy either didn't care or didn't know. Maybe he was some kind of exhibitionist.

And Jongin was losing his train of thought because his neighbor was currently down to the last button of his shirt. He peeled the material off slowly, letting it fall to the floor before sliding his fingers down his flat stomach as they came to a rest over the button on his pants. He bit his lip. He bit his fucking lip as he slowly worked the button and slid the zipper down, swaying his hips as he shimmied out of the offending material.

Jongin's breath hitched as the guy turned around and hooked his fingers into the waistband of his underwear, bending over so that Jongin had a full view of his pert ass as he slid his underwear down his legs. He kicked them away with his foot and sauntered toward his couch. The couch was positioned in a way that, when the guy finally sat down, Jongin had a clear view of everything.

The guy parted his legs slightly, his beautiful, pink cock falling between his thighs. Jongin pressed a hand to his own throbbing member as the man next door began to tug on his. He bit those lips again as a skillful hand worked his length solo. He lifted his eyes for only a split second and Jongin swore that he looked right at him. Jongin's curtains were only cracked, though, so there's no way he could have seen him. Right?

Jongin blinked rapidly and looked back over at the man, whose eyes were now closed as he threw his head back, mouth open in a moan that fell silent on Jongin's ears. He inched his hand even further down his body, letting it linger over his tight, pink pucker. Jongin let out a breathy gasp as he watched the man massage the opening slowly, before sticking one slim finger inside. He bit his lip, working the finger in out, spreading his legs even further apart as he prepared to put another finger inside.

Jongin couldn't stand it anymore. He shoved a hand into his sweatpants and began fisting his cock. He squinted his eyes in concentration as the man next door scissored his own tight hole, opening it up so good for Jongin's viewing pleasure.

The man's fingers would glide in and out and Jongin would slide his hand in time with the other's actions. When the other licked his finger and began to rub a dusty, pink nipple, pinching and pulling, Jongin let out a loud groan. How could someone be so hot? He was turning Jongin on more and more with every passing second and he didn't even realize it.

After a while, the activities had Jongin panting, totally out of breath, and he imagined the sexy blonde was nearly spent, as well. The man's back arched off of his couch as he wrapped a hand around his cock again. Jongin sped up his ministrations. He could tell that they were both near their climaxes.

Jongin tugged harder on his leaking cock as the blonde began to finger himself open even faster, pulling on his own cock simultaneously.

So close. So close!

Jongin's mind was screaming in pleasure. He ached to release, but didn't want to let go just yet. Finally, the blonde's mouth fell open in a silent cry as he shot strings of white onto his stomach. And Jongin blew his load. He grunted as he rubbed his oversensitive cockhead and watched as the man across from him collapsed on his couch, panting heavily.

Jongin couldn't stop staring. God, he looked so beautiful. Blissed out and fucked out. Jongin wondered what it would be like to be the reason for the sweat dripping down his forehead, the semen on his stomach, and the gasps still lingering on his lips.

Jongin stood up, still looking discreetly through the crack in his curtain. He watched as the man trailed a hand down his pale stomach and wiped away some of the semen, bringing the dirty finger to his lips and popping it inside. His cheeks hollowed as he sucked the cum from his fingertip. The blonde looked up, eyes staring straight through Jongin, as he released the digit with a pop of his lips. A knowing smile curved across his beautiful face and he winked.

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