Part Two

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He winked.

He fucking winked!

Jongin's eyes widened and he nearly jumped out of his skin, rushing to quickly pull the curtains completely closed. He froze, his breath hitching.

"Oh my god... Oh my god... He saw me!" A pained expression painted his face and he ran his hands through his messy, brown hair as he paced the floor. "What the fuck am I gonna do!?"

Jongin panicked. Oh, god, why did he have to be such a fucking creep? The guy was probably going to call the cops on him thinking he was some kind of stalker!

Jongin turned off all of the lights in his apartment (as if that would somehow make him invisible) and grabbed the blanket from his bed and plopped down beside the curtain he'd snagged shut only minutes ago. He took a deep breath under the cover of his blanket and peeked between the curtains. The light was still on next door, but he didn't see his neighbor.

Should.... Should he take that as a good sign? He scoffed at himself. Of course not! Because the man was probably running to get the police by now!

Jongin wanted to cry. Die. Throw up. He wanted more than anything to just not exist in this moment. He was going to be known throughout the neighborhood as the "Pervert Next Door." Jesus, how could things get any worse from here?

A sudden knock on the door jolted Jongin from his thoughts and his heart immediately began to race. He didn't get up at once. He waited. And then another knock came and oh, god, Jongin's heart was going was going to beat right out of his chest. He took a breath and stood up, tossing his blanket on the floor as he cleared his throat and tried to seem as normal and unperturbed as possible.

He placed a heavy hand on the doorknob and turned it, just as another knock began to sound. Jongin's breath caught in his throat as he was left staring at a wide-eyed blonde with his hand held up in mid-knock.

"Uh..." Jongin couldn't think of one logical word or phrase to address the man standing before him.

Jongin couldn't really think of anything at this moment except the pounding of his own heart in his chest, but the sound of someone clearing their throat and the subtle and nervous, "H-Hi..." were enough to pull him back to reality.

The blonde held out a hand and Jongin stared at it, unsure of what he was supposed to do. "I-I'm... I'm Sehun. I live..." The blonde paused, taking Jongin in. "I live in the building across from this one." When Jongin didn't move or speak, he timidly withdrew his hand.

"I, um... I saw you watching me..." The blonde – Sehun, rather – looked down bashfully. His sweet voice was definitely not what Jongin had imagined. He looked.... He looked so innocent. And Jongin felt like such a fucking pervert.

Jongin's heart skipped a beat and he let out the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding in. "L-L-Look... I-I'm.... I'm really... I'm sorry... I don't know... I-" The words that had been so hard for Jongin to find came rushing out in catches that didn't make any sense. Jongin's cheeks heated to a bright red and he nervously ran a hand through his tousled hair. "I-I'm sorry...." Jongin whispered, a pained expression plaguing his face.

"It's okay," Sehun chuckled lightly. Jongin's face softened and he cracked an eye open.


"I've... I've been watching you, too." Sehun bit his bottom lip and looked straight into Jongin's eyes. The way he stared at him made chills run down Jongin's spine in the best way. Jongin's mouth opened and closed and he took a step back as Sehun stepped forward.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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