The Beginning of his Journey

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  Hello, my name is Ace.

I'm a German Shepherd who currently lives on the streets for five years now; no food but random nice people barely gave me, no shelter, no love, and no family. Well, actually, I do have a family once. I was once living with a mom named Bella, and our loving owner named Richard Ken.

  You might ask, why I said I have no family right now?

  Well, four years ago, one night, the house was burning with mountainous flames and I felt like I was in an intense nightmare. Richard Ken opened the back door to save Bella and me from this living nightmare, and so we exited. After that, there is no sign of our owner.

  Tragic, I know.

  Bella thought he passed away so Bella and I went to the city and searched for food and shelter. It took us a week to hunt, that's why our tummy is grumbling due to starvation. That time, we met a lass, and we thought she is going to murder or torture us, but I was mistaken. She gave us a burger and huge cardboard box for our shelter. Before she was about to leave, she gave us a warm, sweet smile.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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