Danger In the Works

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It was quiet almost too quiet as the bandit name Darron walked down the streets of Upmostire. It seemed that all the townsfolk had gone to bed for the night but that didn't seem right as it was 8 am this particular Thursday. It struck as quickly as it appeared. A sword glistening in the moonlight flashed quickly by Darron's face barely missing his nose then disappearing as quickly as it came. Darron's face filled with fear and confusion shocked by this sudden adversary. How didn't he hear them even though streets were empty? He barely reacted in time to the second slash barely bringing his blade up into a clumsy parry, then he held it out in front of him yelling

"Come out! Fight me upon equal ground you coward!"

The hidden adversary met his request much to Darron's surprise, his adversary was at least 15 but was a tad smaller than Darron. Darron smirked he could take him easily he thought, then he lashed out bringing his blade forward in a large ark. Then his opponent easily sidestepped his attack lashing out at Darron's lead arm, he struck Darron's right arm disarming him, before impaling him on his own blade ending Darron's life.

Hope you like this story I am trying to make stories anyone can enjoy.

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