Everything Hurts

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Pain. Immense pain.
I could barely open my eyes. All I could hear was people rushing around me and loud sirens.
Pain. All-consuming pain.
Everything hurt. I could feel myself being put on a stretcher and being put in an ambulance.
I slowly opened my eyes and waited until I adjusted to the light. I could see paramedics everywhere but I couldn't keep my eyes open for long.
I kept drifting in and out of consciousness for the next couple of hours. The only thing I knew was that I was in extreme pain and I had had surgery.
I finally woke up fully. Everything hurt. A doctor walked in and I started to try and talk.
"Don't talk. You have to let yourself heal. You have a few broken ribs and some internal bleeding that we fixed. Everything else is just really bad bruising but you did some major damage to your oesophagus. You won't be able to talk for a while. Is there anyone you want us to call?" He asked and then gave me whiteboard and a whiteboard marker. I instinctively wrote down Jacks name and then remembered everything. I felt a tear roll down my face and I rubbed out his name. I wrote down Zara's name and phone number.
He nodded, took the whiteboard and left. I leant my head back against the pillow and took a deep breath. I fell asleep again for around half an hour and I woke up to the sound of the doors sliding open.
"Omg Jamie what did you do?" She asked running in and a nurse came back in and filled Jamie in on everything that had happened. She passed me back a whiteboard and another marker. Zara took my hand and smiled, weakly, at me. I tried to smile back but everything hurt. She stayed for hours until the nurse came in and told her that visiting hours were over.
I was all alone.

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