@santhoshiveena Form

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1. World loves to call me as (Name): Veena

2. My wattpad calls me (ID): Veena

3. Teen or Adult (Age): 24

4.Prefer Mature or normal romance to write : normal romance

5. My Favorite Genre: historical fiction and romance

6. The book I am officially addicted with (Favorite book): many... countless

7.Lyrics I love to Hum and hum again : cadbury - kiss me song

8. Movie or a character, I compare myself with: easy going like olaf from frozen

9. Likes: red and white colors, butterscotch ice cream, Goa trip, nature, and my friends

10. Dislikes: beet root, mosquitoes 

11. My First Crush (optional): korean singer - Onew

12. My Dream: To achieve all my dreams

I, hereby, vow my loyalty to the club and promise to give the entertaining side of me:) to it!!

Signature ___Veena_______

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