Falling for the bad boy?!

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I woke up the next morning with a bruise on my jaw because of Nathaniel. I took a quick shower before I called Alex to see if he wanted to come to the mall with me.

"Hey asshat, you want to go to the mall," I asked him as soon as he picked up.

"Yeah let's go. I'll be out in about 30 min to pick you up." He sounded half asleep so I hung up and started to get ready.

I decided to wear a black crop top and ripped, cut off, jean shorts that came to about my mid thigh. I finished off with my white converse and pulled on my black leather jacket. As I was finishing up my hair I hear a honk outside so I quickly brush through it and throw it up into a high pony and grab my shades and phone as I walked downstairs.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked. She always had to know exactly where I was like I'm a child.

"To the mall with Alex." I rolled my eyes and walked past her to the door.

"Ok but be back before 5, the Stones are coming over for dinner." She was busy cooking but stopped to talk.

"Wait?! What!? The Stones as in Micheal Stones?" I suddenly felt sick because my stomach dropped.

"Yes, they will be here at 5:30 so be ready before then." She went back to cooking not noticing the sick look on my face.

"Ok, I will." That's all I could say at the time. His words started running through my head again. "No one hurts my girl." Why is this happening to me? I start to think about Micheal. He is just so perfect and mysterious. His perfectly sculpted muscles and toned abs. The way his arms wrapped around my waist. His hair always perfect but in a messy way. He even stood up for me when my brother punched me. I wonder if he likes me because I like him. Wait, did I just say that? No, I can't he's evil. He's Mr. Bad boy all he wants is to get in my pants, but what if it's different this time. No, I won't do it I won't fall for the bad boy. I got in Alex's car and he immediately sensed that something was wrong.

"Something wrong?" He seemed worried but I couldn't tell him what was going on in my head.

"No, I'm fine it's just something my mom said." I snapped out of my daydream and flashed him a reassuring smile.

"Are you sure you seemed a little out of it there for a second?" He started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

"Yes, I'm fine just thinking that's all." I tried reassuring him that it was nothing.

"Ok if you say so." He sounded like he didn't believe me but I think he sensed that I didn't want to talk about it.

The rest of the ride was pretty silent besides the music playing in the background. I sat thinking the whole time and staring out the window. Does he like me? Why is he doing this? Does he care? I couldn't keep his words out of my head. My girl, what did he mean by that? Are we a thing now? Did he just claim me? What's going on with him?

"Hey, what did Michael mean yesterday when he said no one hurts my girl," Alex asked voicing my thoughts. I just ignored his question because truthfully I didn't know the answer to it myself.


Authors note:

Hey guys new update for you. I'm sick right now so yes this chapter is pretty short I didn't really have the energy to write something really long but the next few chapters will make up for it, promise.

Leave a comment about what you think he meant. I love to hear your ideas and there is a big twist coming soon but no spoilers. Until next time Goodbye loves.

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