Wait What!!!

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I couldn't believe this! I really should talk to Niall!

After the guys went in and sat down I told that I forgot to something and had to go up stairs!

I went upstairs as fast as i could. I went in to the guest room where Niall was gonna stay!

Me: Niall what were you going to tell me! I want to know!! Whats wrong between you and Zayn!

Niall looked at me with a sorry look on his face and then turned around!

Niall did you and Zayn have a fight!- I wanted to know

Niall looks at me and says: NOOO. Me and Zayn are perfectly fine. It's just I figured out something about his girlfriend!

Me: thank god your and Zayn are ok! But what did u figure out about moreena! She really nice, shes my old friend!

Niall: Sam! Moreena has a crush on. He looks at the ground and stops talking

Me: she has a crush on u!!

Niall: no I would have handled it if it was me but she has a crush on Harry!!!

What did he say Harry as in my Harry how there are so many questions!!

Niall how do u know that? - I was in shock!!!

Niall: I found her necklace on the floor! You know the one with the heart that opens. I found a picture of her and a picture of Harry in it!!!

Nail please tell me your joking hahaha ur funny! Your joking right ? - I was about to scream!!!

Niall hugs me and say I'm sorry but I had to tell you! Cause she your friend that is kinda backstabbing you and I want it to end!

Thank you Niall for telling me! But I need your help please! So come on downstairs with me.

Niall looks at me and replied : Sam I don't want this to hurt anybody else so you need to find away to confront her!

Me : don't worry I'll talk to her!

Niall smiles and then said he's really tired and wanted to sleep so i left him alone and went down stairs!

I saw steph in Liams lap and moreena sitting between Harry and Zayn! I couldn't believe it why would moreena do that! If she liked Harry why is she dating Zayn!! Hopefully this may be a miss-understanding!

I made way through the room and sat on harry's lap! I Heard Moreena grrr a little!

Harry: baby is everything ok you look like your not feeling well!

I snuggled into to him and replied I'm fine babe don't worry.

I was kinda upset but didn't want Harry to know. He probably say that I'm jealous or something like that! But the truth is yeah I think I'm jealous!

Moreena stood up and asked: hey guys want anything from the kitchen?

Zayn answered no thanks sweetie ! While Harry said ya can you pass me two cokes one for my and my child then he tapped my nose!!

Yeah sure for you and your child! She said that and went to the kitchen. I gave Harry a quick hug and jumped off his lap and went to the kitchen!

Moreena: you didn't have to get up i was gonna take it too you.

Me: lol no problem Harry should have went and got it himself.

Moreena: no for Harry I don't mind getting him anything.

When she said that I just wanted to punch her in the face!!

Me: so how's everything going between you and Zayn?

Moreena drop the soda from her when I asked her that question!

Then replied everything is just fine! How about u and Harry he doesn't look really happy!

What the hell. Please someone come and punch her in the face!!!

Me: Harry not happy! The only time I've seen Harry unhappy is when I told him he can't have sex. I tried to laugh but I couldnt!

Moreena laughed and replied : yeah right you and Harry sex Sam you made me laugh!!! She started to laugh uncontrollably!

Me: it's hard to believe but yeah me and Harry have done it!

Moreena comes and puts her hands on my should and then had an evil look and said: what are you trying to do? What is it? First Niall and now you where are you guys going with this?

I pushed her hand off my shoulder gently and laughed!

Me: aww sweetie now you made me laugh!! Btw Niall did something? What did he do wrong?

I knew this would kill her from inside!!

Moreena: he was going through my stuff!

Me: are you talking about the necklace! If yes he wasn't going though your stuff me found it on the floor!!

Moreena: o really how did u know about the f*** necklace?

Me: sweetie I know everything! Then I rolled my eyes open the fridge and got to sodas and went back to Harry!

Moreena came back and then

Said: guys I don't feel to well I'm gonna go to jordys place and sleep night everybody.

The guys stood up! Then suddenly I see Niall going down the stairs guys changed my mind I don't want to sleep! Then the guys laugh ok Horan you can stay awake! We all laughed!

Zayn hugged me and then hugged stephanie. And gave props to the guys and went out the door. Moreena came and gave everybody a hug but when it came to Harry she kissed him on the cheek and left!

After Zayn and moreena left. Everbody went back to talking normally. While me I wanted to scream my lungs out!! Why would he let her kiss him !!

I need fresh air I went upstairs wore my swimming suit and wore a robe over it and was heading to the door!

Harry: Sam where u going?

Then all eyes were on me!

I need fresh air! Im going for a swim!! I walked outside.

I placed my phone down took off the robe and dived in!

Then I heard my phones message ringtone come on. I went dried of my hands and opened the text!

Bitch you should mind your own business you and Donald duck!!

And I'm gonna have him and nobody is gonna get in the way of that!!!

From moreena

I couldn't take it anymore first his pic and the kiss and now this!! Wait she called Niall donald duck!! Wow

Then!!!!! I screamed out as high as possible and felt my self sliding against the fence and i was on the floor!!

Then I saw Jordy beside me!

Sam are you ok? What's wrong!!! She asked!

Nothing! I told her and walked inside the house and straight up to my room!

I could hear them downstairs talking about me!! But I didnt care! I jumped on bed and fell asleep!!


The next morning I woke up and saw that I was still in my swimming suit I went took a shower and went downstairs and saw everybody downstairs on the dinner table. The girlz were there an MOREENA was sitting beside Harry!

I didn't want to go and sit in the same room as her!

So I turned around and was walking upstairs when I heard Harry say morning Sam wait wasn't she here!!

Moreena: yesterday she wasn't feeling well I think she's probably still sleeping! Dont worry hone!

She just called him hone and harry didn't say anything! I can't believe this I went upstairs and slammed the door and trow my self against my bed!!!

Harry walked in the room!

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