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Felix wandered  in the Weeping forest for hours. It was getting late. "I never should of gone in this forest in the first place!" he thought to himself. "What am I going to do now?". As he was walking, he saw a giant house just sitting there in the middle of the forest! "I'm just going to spend one night in the house and explain it to the owners in the morning".

As he was walking towards the house, he heard a silent cry of a little girl. "It must be the wind" he thought to himself. When he arrived at the front door, he stood silently to hear anyone talk, walk or even breathe. He went into the house. " Hello? Hell...o? Is anyone there?" he shouted into the dark. "Maybe the owners are already sleeping? I'm just going to spend the night in one of the rooms and explain myself in the morning. yeah!" he thought. He was walking down the hall and noticed a lot of paintings, carefully cleaned and all lined up in one row. As he was walking, he again noticed that the paintings were looking at him, following him with their eyes. Felix finally found a room with a bed. He jumped into the bed and fell asleep instantly.

In the morning, when the sun was way up, Felix got out of the bed and slowly walked to the open door. Suddenly his blood froze in his veins. There were never any paintings. Just windows...

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