Chapter 9: The Calm

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Rain harshly pelts against the glass on the school windows, classes had ended an hour ago but many of the students had left early in an attempt to avoid the storm that some had no hope of avoiding it themselves. Being part of the student council was one of those many reasons why I myself was stuck waiting for the weather to lighten up or end. Then again I could be home right now if it wasn't for the fact that I had left my umbrella at home. I didn't want to take it because Jay had insisted upon it before we were leaving this morning. Was that petty? Yes, but I never have been known to be a reasonable man. Although we were cousins, Jay and I argued like brothers but I guess that's what happens when you live under the same roof your whole life.

Round, round, go round, Waterwheel, go round
Go round, and call Mr. Sun
Go round, and call Mr. Sun

I freeze hearing the soft melody of words that had just begun to grace my ears. Was that....Warabe Uta*? Turning almost in a trance by the soft voice I begin to walk down the hall searching for the source of the song. I can remember fondly my mother singing the lullaby to me when I was a child. It had been so long since I had heard it, but the lyrics were engraved in my mind. The voice was starting to get louder and somehow more hypnotic that's when I began to hear lyrics I had not recognized.

Go round, come round, come round, O distant time
Come round, call back my heart
Come round, call back my heart
Birds, bugs, beasts, grass, trees, flowers

It had the same rhythm as Warabe Uta but the lyrics....Turning the corner I come to the music room which door was wide open. Looking inside I found the source of the song. She was probably about 5'3 with long wavy green hair that hugged her waist. Her eyes were bright but an endless looking shade of green that reminded me of the jade statues that adorned my family's shrine. I never paid much attention to women, but something about her was unearthly...something was almost heavenly about her.

Teach me how to feel
If I hear that you pine for me, I will return to you...

The air was still once she had finished singing. The more I looked at her the tenser it seemed to become before I could slip away our eyes meet.

Jolting I look at Jay who is staring at me with anything but content or remote happiness. Surely he realizes leaving Ivy with that vampire was the best thing to do right now, right? Standing there the look in his eyes remind of that when I had met her. At the time I did not know the girl in the music room was Ivy Tsukino, in fact, I had never known that the Tsukino's had had a daughter apart from Narcissa. Then again compared to her sister, she was average to put it simply. Ivy was not a genius like her sister was, she didn't excel in magic. So when I had seen her across the great hall at her parents compound sitting next to her father I was slightly taken back. She looked nothing like her parents what so ever. Jay, on the other hand, had apparently already had known about her to the point that he had developed a crush on her. Now he never did make that known to me, but with him, he was like an open book with his emotions it wasn't hard to tell what he was feeling at almost any given moment.

"Don't you realize we will be lucky if we ever get to her, yet alone see her again?" Jay stated. "It wasn't safe to take her with us, she is in transition and seems to be starving herself," I reply then continue. "What could you have done? Would you have gone sticking your neck out for her? "No, but I...." He goes to explain but I don't let him. "You what? Would have found someone who was willing to do so? Say you did, then what? What would you do if she lost control?" I rain down my assault, questioning him only for him to growl in anger and turn away from me.

The Chronicles of Ivy Tsukino {Owari No Seraph} [Crowley Eusford X OC] AUWhere stories live. Discover now