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{y/n Pov.}

Without; with the absence, omission, or avoidance of; not with; with no or none of; lacking:

Today is my first day of school at Hawkins. America is new to me because I just moved from London. People wear different clothing, have different accents, and are bloody impolite; well some people anyway. So my name is y/n y/l/n. Like I said I came from London. I have an 18 year old sister named Misery and a little 2 year old sister named Day. My mom and dad are famous writers, and we got kicked out of the country for some of there stories, so we came here.

October 31st
Hawkins Middle School

I woke up this morning with that boy who lives next door on my mind. He looked different and for some reason I just wanted to know more about him. Yes I am 13, and no I don't fancy him. I don't fancy people. Anyway since thing School doesn't have uniforms like they did in London I put on a black skirt and a the die shirt tucked into it. ( This is the 80s! ) I put black flats on too. While I ate breakfast my mother French braided my hair. Misery was on the phone with her boyfriend back in London; Thomas. Day was still sleeping. My dad was in his studio writing. Typical.

My mother explained to me that today is a holiday America called Halloween. People dress up and ask for candy. Sounds really splendid!

( This is a chapter to meet y/n character )

because of that; Reader x Mike WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now