Chapter 1

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           It was Halloween Night. This night last year, I became Silent Night. My real name is Toni Anderson. I became Silent Night, because of thugs, that year, I "died".

     I was walking from the store when there was thugs wolf-whistling at me.The whistling got closer until I got trapped in the middle of them. "What is a beautiful girl doing out here alone?" The leader asked. "None of your damn business." I said with sass. He looked at me in anger. "Well if it isn't, then fight me bitch!" He yelled. I sighed, put my groceries down & rolled my sleeves up to the elbow ready to fight. He laughed rather loudly and lunged at me. I, of course, dodged it. I looked at him & punched him. In the end, most were unconscious and the rest were surprised a girl can do that. I picked my groceries up and walked away. When I got home, my brother was ready, dressed as a pizza, to go trick-or-treating. Trick-or-treaters were already going out and getting candy. There was a knock on the door. It was the Thugs. My dad stepped back with blood on his throat. My mom screamed bloody murder. They went to my mom and beat her to death. My brother hid behind me. They came to me and held me down and cut my face from my eyebrow to the corners of my mouth. My brother screamed. My screams turned to laughter that would scare the devil. They looked at me terrified. My eyes closed, and when I opened them the were bright orange and cat looking. I grabbed their knife and stabbed them all. I drank their blood. I finally noticed that my little brother (A/N: I will start calling him bub in the story so yea remembers!) was there. I ran to him telling him he is going to be ok. I picked him up and kissed his cheek. 'Toni! Your eyes! They're like cat eyes!' My brother exclaimed. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw them. They were like cat eyes, but they were bright orange. 'It's ok my bub. Just.... go pack up. Everything. Ok?' He nodded and I put him down so he can go pack. I went to the secret stash were my mom and dad stashed emergency money. It was exactly 3 million dollars! But it's understandable since my mom is a doctor and makes about 10,000 dollars a week. And my dad is a lawyer and makes 1,000 bucks every 2 weeks. Anyways, I got that and I packed the essentials, things needed for my brother, medicine, and so much more stuff for our health and living. Bub came to me and said he was finished, and so as I, we left in my mom's car. This town we entered, I have heard stories of. Supposedly, there is a group of different killers that hunt here. It is the closest town. And it is scary. Thoughts continue running through my head like a train. 


We got a house. I got all new appliances and my brother a new cool water bed. I don't like that much moving so I got memory foam mattress. Of course, I learned to transform to human form. It was really fast too. I think the "creepypastas" I heard about, can too but I 'm not sure either. If I am like this, and alive from being "killed", that they are real too. To be honest, I like Eyeless jack, or EJ, A LOT. He is cute. But so is Jeffery, or Jeff the Killer. I was told he HATES being called Jeffrey. So, if they are real I hope to meet him so I can call him that and see how pissed off he will really get. My brother understands I need blood to survive, so I kill people I have bad vibes coming from them. He usually looks away but this certain day. This certain day, he asked to taste blood. This day was 3 months ago. He drank and his eyes turned bright orange and cat like similar to mine. He learned to transform, kill, and survive. I write in blood "Death is Coming Near for you". My brother writes "There, is one down and the rest of you to go". And we both sign it with our names. I sign it "Silent Night" and he signs it "Baby Night".


Jeff's POV:

Who the hell is this!? Why does both of these little boys think there better than Me, THE Jeff the Killer! Ohh, Slender said they are coming to the house. EJ snapped me out of my thoughts. 'Dude? What are you thinking about?' EJ asked confused. 'Nothing just.... I'm pissed off because these guys are probably thinking they are better than ME.' I said. 'Well, in my eyes. You're better than them.' EJ said. I just nodded and sighed. 'Tell Slender I'm going on a killing spree. I need to get this off my mind.' EJ nodded and headed to Slender's office. I walked off and went through the forcefield. I stopped at this house. It was cool, looked like squares on top of each other. It was white, but not for long. Blood will splatter everywhere. The confusing thing is someone's in there. But, their heart isn't beating. They are breathing well, though. Wait there is 2. This must be Silent Night and Baby Night's house. I went through a window. They were downstairs, laughing. Wait! It's a little boys laughter. And a teenage girls laughter. She sounds around my age. I went downstairs, barely, to see a girl exactly my age tickling a little 7-year-old boy. I growled and they both stopped. I gasped and they looked directly at me. they both had the same eyes, just like cat eyes. Except, the Girl.... she had scars from her eyebrows to the corner of her mouth. The little boy looked perfectly fine. 'What are you doing in our house, Jeffery?' The girl said with taunt in her voice for saying Jeffrey. 'How the hell do you know who am?' I asked. 'Well, I'm Silent Night. Nice to meet you.' She stook her hand out. My jaw just dropped. H-H-How everyone thought she was a guy! 'Well, 1st.' I shook her hand. 'Don't call me Jeffrey.' I said while turning her around and pinned her to the wall. her brother roared and grabbed me and threw me across the room. I sat there, not hurt, but surprised. 'What the hell?!' I exclaimed. Silent Night started laughing that would scare the devil. 


Toni's POV:

I laughed mechanically. I'm pretty sure he thought the same thing about my laugh. It would scare the devil. 'Well........ Well.......... Well..... Nice plan that was totally thought through.' I said while clapping. 'How the hell did he even turn?!' Jeff screeched. 'Well, that is a long story......'


Cliffhanger?! I wouldn't dare?! But I did sorry babes but I needed too. Hint for next chapter most will be a flashback. So yea. See ya later babes.... Catch you on the flip side.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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