Chapter 18

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* Brody’s P.O.V.*

My mind went into over-drive as I watched her body fall to the ground. I saw my hands reach out and grab her before she fell to the ground, it was like i was watching it happen out of somebody else’s eyes.

I am still working to get back on Markus’ good side after what had happened at the party. I knew that Sienna was Markus’ girl, but for some reason after finally seeing her let go and have fun, I wanted her. I knew that she was drunk and I could tell without the alcohol in her system she only ever wanted Markus. The second she put her hands on me, I should have walked away and I know that.

I have had my eyes on one girl for a long time, but to be with her I have to be on Markus’ good side because he won’t let Mikaela date just anyone.

* Sienna P.O.V.*

Shapes were flying all around in my head, Little rectangle boxes with pictures inside. Memories were playing on the insides of those boxes the bigging of them captured a happy little girl, growing, laughing and loving the life she was blessed with. A bit down the line you could see the sadness growing in her eyes and showing up more recent in pictures. After that there were pictures where she wasn’t even trying to cover up the sadness, but then something happens she begins to smile and laugh again. Her eyes become alive once again.

I slowly peeled back my eyelids, which felt like someone was pressing sandpaper down on my eyes. My vision was unbelievably burry and my head was spinning. I rapidly blinked my eyes as I willed my vision to come back to me. It felt like I was floating on a cloud because all I could see around me was white, except for a dark spot in the corner of the room. I trained my eyes on that one spot and began to realize it was a person as details became more apparent.

“Brody? What happened? Why am I here?” I asked or rather tried to as my throat was dry and scratchy.

Brody's body flew around and his eyes were wide open. He basically flew to the side of the bed. I flinched back because of the speed that he came for me, my body was just prepared to be struck.

“ Thank god you’re awake! Markus has been worried sick, he’s barely even left the room I forced him just now to go and eat something.” Brody was making absolutely no sense Markus wasn’t here he couldn’t be he was still in a coma, hell he hadn’t even been moved out of the intense care ward yet.

“ Why am I here?” I had no idea what could have happened to place me back in the hospital.

“ A week into Markus’ coma, Mikaela and I had convinced you to go back home and relax. You were so thin and you looked like a dead man waking. We were in Markus’ room when his eyes popped open and he began screaming for you. He thought your father had gotten you, he actually punched me in the face. I was sent back to the house to get you, but when I got there you were Hugging onto a piece of paper and crying. I called your name and as you spun around you began to fall and passed out. I caught you and brought you here. It’s been three weeks since that day.” Tears were running down my cheeks and my mind was racing as I tried to take in all this information that I was told.

“ He’s okay though right?” Even though I was the one laying down i the hospital bed, I all I could focus on was making sure Markus was all right.

“ Are you seriously asking about me when you’re the one who just got out of a coma? You really are something you know that?” Markus said as he walked towards me. I must have not heard the door open over the combined sounds of me crying and all the machines attached to me.

My eyes raced all over his body looking for any injuries that I could find, but finding nothing except for a few fairly new scares gave me a new sense of comfort and I began to control my crying and it stopped. I lifted one of my hands like a child and made a grabbing motion towards him. His face lit up with a huge smile and came over to the side of my bed.

I slowly pulled myself up into a sitting position and engulfed him into and hug. I could tell he was trying to to put too much pressure on me, but I still felt like my body was numb, so I pulled him closer and made him hug me harder.

“Sienna--” Markus started to say something, but I gave him a look that just cut him off and continued to hug him.

My tears had started coming again, but this time they were of relief because he was okay because I felt like it was all my fault he had gone out on that stupid deathtrap in the first place. I heard the door close and looked around the room noticing Brodys absence. I mentally reminded myself to thank him for giving us some alone time.

“ Markus, I’m so glad you’re okay.” I said leaning back away from him looking into his face.

“Sienna, this isn’t about me today. It’s about you. They caught him a week into your coma. I only wish that I could have been there to see his face as they caught him. He’s in jail, not only was he tried for child abuse, he had been caught in the act of rapeing another woman. He’s going to be in there for the rest of his life.”

My heart had stopped and restarted so many times during what Markus told me. I was ecstatic that my father had been caught but at the same time I felt shame. He had raped a woman, I knew he was an awful human being but I had thought rape was at least below him.

I looked up at Markus deciding that all this was too much for just one day, so I grabbed his hand and dragging him onto the bed and fell asleep in his arms.

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