Flowers and Letters

688 31 3

Florist Hyungwon / Tattoo Artist Wonho


Hyungwon unlocked the door and the sound of chimes rang across the room. He turned on the lights and went straight to the storage room to drop of his bag and put on his apron.
Hyungwon hummed as he began preparing the flowers to be displayed around the shop. While he was cutting the stems of the peonies, he heard a familiar ring and creak from the door. Hyungwon’s heart starts racing as he turned around to check at the person who entered the shop. He sighed in relief seeing it was only a small old lady. Hyungwon walked over to her while taking a quick glance through the window at the opposite building.

After serving the old lady, Hyungwon went back to what he was doing just to hear another ring of the bell. Hyungwon leaned to check who it was and this time it was the person he had been anticipating.
There was no need for greetings as it had been a common thing for the tattoo artist to visit, just to draw the flowers in the shop. He doesn’t know whether he is relieved or disappointed at the lack of contact.

Hyungwon takes a quick few glances at the other as he pretends to be doing something busy, sometimes a few customers here and there come in and leave after he serves them. He had been distracted ever since the new tattoo parlour opened up a month ago, along with the good looking guy that came with it. Even Minhyuk and Kihyun - his friends who owns a patisserie a few buildings away - noticed that he started opening the shop earlier than normal.
Wonho, is the name the tattoo artist goes by. He recently dyed the tips of his hair blue and Hyungwon thinks that no one else but him could  pull it off. He took a look at Wonho’s many piercings and they make him want one, he broke away from his train of thought when he heard a cough.

"Thanks for letting me stay again Hyungwon." Wonho said with a slight smirk. He prayed that he hadn’t been staring for too long and if he did, that the other didn’t notice.

"O-of course, no problem!" He cringed at how eager he sounded.


"Why don’t you just ask Minhyuk to test your new recipes?" Hyungwon said as he took a small bite from the dessert. Kihyun had called earlier telling him to come by the patisserie.

"He likes everything other than cucumbers so I don’t trust his criticism. You on the other hand is a picky eater so I think whatever passes for you is good enough to sell." He didn’t know whether to be offended by the fact or pleased that Kihyun trusted his picky tastes.

"Remind me again why Minhyuk is working with you?"

"Because he can make customers come back by giving that charm of his, also he can actually bake too and wont burn the place down unlike someone here."

"Do you always have to offend someone every time you say something?" The pink haired man shrugged at the question while giving a small chuckle.

"So, how’s Wonho?" Kihyun said with a raised eyebrow.

"So, how’s Hyunwoo?" Hyungwon said imitating Kihyun.
"Don’t change the subject. This is the first time me and Minhyuk has ever seen you this close to a potential love interest."

"Ugh, it’s not even close since I know hes not interested. Also that’s not true, remember those letters?"

"Not interested? I am pretty sure he does not come to your shop everyday just to draw flowers." Kihyun started to get irrirated at his friend.
"And that was back in high school! You didn’t even get to meet that secret admirer of yours!"

Hyungwon grumbled, not wanting to infuriate the shorter any longer, he decided to stay silent.


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