Chapter Twenty-Three

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Learn to be more? More what? This man makes no sense, but he's fed me... Maybe if I humored the old man I could get more food from him.

He stared expectantly at the old man, preferring to save his breath to eat his food. But the man just stared back at him, eating his own food without looking at it.

Fine, Lucius thought, I'll bite.

"And what d'ya mean by that?" he mumbled through a mouthful of food.

"Have you ever wondered why, of all creatures, man is on top? Us, strangely built, furless, weak humans. Why is it we that are given opposable thumbs and a mind to build? We are given intelligence to grant to our bonds, and the only other truly intelligent species are gryphons and dragons. But for their absence of opposable thumbs, they lack the ability to build and create without human assistance. So why us?

"This of course is a question for a philosopher, so no need to answer. But one question begs another. Why do we, intelligent, creative humans,live the way we do, when we could be more?"

Lucius shrugged, unsure of either what the man wanted, or what he was getting at.

"All of us 'Unbonded' live violent disordered and generally short lives. True first generation Unbonded are generally insane violent people that have no place in society. But second, third, fourth, even fifth generation unbonded are normal functioning humans. Some even able to bond, yet we still are content to live in squalor. We're thrown out like so much trash, no care given for us later generations. Then, just like you, normal children are turned insane by the terrors and violence around them."

Lucius glared at the man. As if this man in his quaint cabin knew anything of terror, of violence or grief. How could this man presume to know me? But despite his predisposition to hate and disagree with Simon, the words the man spoke struck a chord within his mind, confusing him than anything, but still now his mind begged the question. Could there be more? Could I be more?

"Though because we are spread far and wide we may not seem like many, but we are. We fill these mountains, and these mountains go on for a long long ways. And there are the unbonded who live against the wall of the Great City. We prove by our crimes and absence of order that the leaders of the city are right in sending us out. Those privileged city dwellers care not for us, or our troubles." Simon's voice subtly gained volume as his passion increased, "Why do they get the right to do this to us? To make our lives a living hell, exiled among the criminally insane? And why are we content with this injustice, never questioning our plight?"

"Well what can we do?" Lucius shrugged, Simon's speech filling him with hopelessness.

"The one thing you're good at... we can fight"


Ok sorry for the short possibly boring chapter. But i like to keep these kind of segments contained to a chapter and a bit shorter. Even though i love writing them.

So its been a bit since i did an authors note, cause one person complained about them being long and not wanting to read them. But sorry, i miss talking to yall.

So, the main reason for this A/N is that im friggen blown away. I just checked and saw i have 17k reads....... Like what the wow.... I just don't really know what to even say. ...... THATS ALOT OF READS!!!! AND IM REALLY SHY!!! NOW I HAVE STAGE FRIGHT.......

You guys are really the best, i truly mean it from the deepest darkest place in my heart 😝😝

I mean my book has gotten all the way up to 42 in all of fantasy. And im really bad at updating. So how?, is what im asking.

If yall have any answers to my fervent question please answer. Cause im at a loss.

On another note, i noticed my sister pronouncing Lucius's name wrong so i want to set the record straight. Its Lu-see-us not Lu-shus. Get it right people!!! Just kidding he he

And for spn fans, for some reason ive imagined the Simon charachter as the actor who plays Cain. Just so yall can envisiom him...

Anyways. I oughta go ahead and publish this. I love yall!! Keep on reading cause this story has got a looong way to go. (Like seriously... Im not even half done yet)

Talk to yall peeps later!!! JLAB out-

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