Ch. 1 • "Merry Christmas"

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~ Chapter 1 • “Merry Christmas” ~

{ December 25th, 2012 }

§ Justin’s POV: §

“Justin!” There was a female voice shouting in my ear. “For God’s sake, wake up!”

I groaned, sinking my face into the comfort of the pillow. “Go away,” I mumbled, sleepily rubbing my eyes.

“No, I will not go away, it’s Christmas!” Delight bounced off all over the walls in the room and my eyebrows furrowed together as I fluttered my eyes open in realization.

She was right.

It’s Christmas.

I instantly sat up in my bed, becoming face to face with my sister’s smiling, cheerful one staring back at me.

“Merry Christmas, Jazzy!” I chanted, wrapping my arms around her skinny body and hugging her to my chest.

“Merry Christmas, brother,” she sighed happily in my arms, hugging me back before climbing off my bed. I followed behind her and we both quietly descended down the stairs where the Christmas tree illuminated the house.

“Justin!!” another familiar voice echoed through the halls and there were running footsteps approaching me. I turned around in time to be tackled to the ground by my own brother. “Merry Christmas! WHOO!”

I let out a loud laugh, joy circling in the atmosphere. “Merry Christmas, Jaxon,” I smirked at him. “Now get the hell off of me.”

He grinned mischievously before messing up my bed-hair even further and fleeing to the Christmas tree after Jazmyn.

“What are you doing?”

I snapped my head over to meet the eyes of my father, who stared down at me in amusement.

“Jaxon tackled me again,” I rolled my eyes, laughing quietly as I stood on my own two feet and brushed the dust from my pajama pants.

“That kid has more energy than Santa himself,” my father chuckled, laying a hand on my shoulder. “Merry Christmas, son.”

My mother showed up not too long afterwards and we all exchanged “Merry Christmas” before Mother sat by the tree, smiling as she picked out presents one by one and passed them down.

In my family, every Christmas we all make sure we open presents one by one, acknowledging the gifts each one of us gets. Father usually takes the pictures, Mother passes the presents to the person whose name is written on top, Jazzy and Jaxo shake in excitement, and I watch the happiness unfolding in front of me—it’s been this way for as long as I can remember. There’s usually always a routine for us, and the way we behave is what causes my best friend Dylan to refer to us as a “formal family” the first time he met me. I don’t know if it’s because we live in a quite large, classy house or the fact that my brother, sister and I call our parents Mother and Father and rarely call them Mom and Dad.

“Jazmyn,” Mother called out, passing the present to Jazzy, who gladly took it into her hands with a smile on her face. Father got his camera ready as Jazzy teared apart the box, a gasp escaping her mouth a few seconds afterwards.

Yes! A new phone!” she squealed.

“You’re fifteen now, Jazmyn,” Father smiled at her daughter, love for his family glistening in his eyes. “I thought it was time for an upgrade.”

“I love you, Daddy,” Jazzy attacked Father with a hug, which he gladly returned.

Next, Mother reached for quite a large box that was resting near the core of the tree’s stem. “Justin,” she announced, and my eyes flickered towards the present. Mother and I exchanged smiles.

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