Demons VS Pine Trees

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Pushing himself off of the ground, Bill looked up to see that the other humans and demons were staring at something. He followed their gaze as a shadow fell upon them all.

This monster they were staring at towered over Bill himself, and radiated an aura of pure rage. It was black, had huge bulky arms and legs, and a Minotaur-like head, with horns and blue flames pouring out of its eyes. The thing that really scared him, was a blue outline of a Pine Tree on it's chest.

Bill was frozen in a state of shock and horror. He had never seen a beast like this before, but he had heard of it, one trillion years ago. Bill decided to scarper, but the monster raised it's foot and smashed him back into the ground. 

The foot lifted and Bill rose up, a few chips in his now-red body. He roared in rage, inflating his body to match the collosus.

The citizens of Gravity Falls and the Henchmaniacs stared at the two titans in shock and fear, as they both launched a fist at one another, causing a massive shockwave when they collided.


Back with the Pines, everyone was watching in silence, before it was broken. "Hot Belgian Waffles! What the heck is that thing?!" Stan shouted. 

"I am afraid that thing is what Dipper has become." Ford responded, his face pale. He stared at the lifeless child in his arms. "By losing his sister, Dipper let his hatred and rage take control, and it would seem Bill's essence responded."

"But can't we stop him?" Wendy said.

Ford shook his head. "It's too late."

Pine Tree bellowed and swung a right hook at Bill, who blocked it and punched it's abdomen. The beast charged and knocked the Dream Demon back.

Bill grew eight extra arms, and threw several rapid-fire punches into Pine Tree's face, but there was no effect. The beast fought back, striking out at Bill with one of his massive claws. 

The two went back and forth, attack with their heaviest attacks, but not dodging at all. This carried on for 5 minutes, before the dream demon and the beast faced each other, not moving. 

Bill had many chips, cracks and scratches all over him, but it was hard to tell with Pine Tree, due to it's skin being so jagged. 

"I've never seen you so worked up, Pine Tree!" Bill panted. "Maybe your sister can calm you down... OH WAIT! HAHAHAHAHA!" If the beast was angry before, it was down right furious now. 

It opened it's mouth, and a blue stream of fire burst out, bathing the Dream Demon in flames. When it stopped it's assault, Bill was smoking, his 'skin' charred.

Pine Tree got on all fours, and growled menacingly at the triangular demon, before multiple black tendrils came out of its back, and snaked their way into the dimensional rip in the sky.

It opened it's mouth, to reveal a dark, swirling vortex, that started to pull everything associated with Weirdmageddon, like the Henchmaniacs, and the Head-with-One-Arm-Thing. 

Just then, Pine Tree's form began to disintegrate, as the remains of the Fear-imid that made its skin, was torn apart piece by piece, until Dipper's frail body hung in the air, as he were suspended by invisible strings.

Bill decided to shrink down to his normal size, while Dipper then fell to the ground. Dipper was back to his normal self, and he spoke to Bill as he shakily stood up. 

"Bill! I wanna make a deal!" 

This got the demons attention, as Bill hovered over to his worst enemy. 

"Hmm... Despite the fact you beat me within an inch of my life, I find myself intrigued." He said. "So what do you have to offer, Pine Tree?" 

Dipper was ignoring all of the cries from his friend and family.

He shifted his gaze from Bill to Mabel, and shared a quick glance with Ford, before returning his attention to the battered Dream Demon.

"My deal is this: If I tell you how to take down the barrier, you have to bring Mabel back to life." He said, with a face of anger, determination and defeat.

Bill immediately stuck his hand out and said, "I like that idea! Sure kid, it's a DEAL!" as his hand became enveloped in blue flames. Dipper held out his own hand, and they shook. 

Bill turned to stone and a yellow outline of him jumped out of the statue, before rushing into Dipper's mind, laughing like a psycho.

Just as Dipper collapsed to the ground unconscious, Mabel awoke with a big intake of air.

The group around her immediately reacted with joy. 

"Ugh..." She moaned in pain, rubbing her head. "What happened?"

Deciding to spare her the truth, Ford instead lied. 

"You were.. knocked out." He said. 

Mabel blinked, but took the answer.

"Where's Dipper? Where's Bill?"

Ford's glee was wiped from his face, looking to the boy a few yards away. A dark look crossed his face, as he pulled out a familiar gun-shaped object. 


#HEYO, GUYS! How are you doing? I'm good, thanks for asking! :) 

Anyways, yes, I have decided to rename this story, and give it a picture, because the original title was absolutely terrible. I hope you are liking this, and yes, in this story, Dipper takes Stan's place as the saviour of the world. I can't wait for the next chapter myself!

DarkPugLord23, Out!

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