16 1 0

This is the day after the chapter before!


Niall stood by his mums side rocking backwards and forwards on his heals nervously. His mum, Maura knelt down beside her impatient son to cheek on the cookies, she hoped that none of the raven-haired family was allergic to chocolate, or anything else for that matter which is situated in her cookies that everyone is the town loved.

"Okay Niall" she said as she reached up for the oven gloves to remove the cookies from the oven that her first, and only, son had wanted so badly for her to make, the neighbours must be lucky, as Niall for once didn't want the food for himself, chuckling to herself, she looked up to see the oven gloves were not were she had left them, feeling a nudge on her shoulder, she turned round to see her son standing over her, oven gloves already placed on his hands, she raised a questioning eyebrow at her son.

"What," he said throwing his mittened hands up in the air at his mums small gesture, " I just want to get them out so I can take them around to the raven-haired family!" Maura let out another chuckle as her young son used the nick-name he had given to there new neighbours. As they all had the same hair it came as a suitable nick-name for the young imaginative boy.

Keeling down besides Maura, Niall looked to his mum for help, even though he was eager he still didn't want to burn his arms,

"Mum can you help me?" He asked, his eyes found the way to the floor scared that his mum might think of him week, or scared. Maura's heart ached for her son who looked so down after asking for something it was only natural to need.

"Of corse Ni" she said before moving herself into a position that would mean she could help Niall but not get burned in turn, They removed the cookies, slowly from the oven and placed the tray on the work surface, Niall slid the gloves of his unsteady hands, he had always been one to flee at the sight of danger and putting his hands in the oven was a step to far.

"You can do the next bit mum." He said handing the oven gloves to his worried mother. Smiling to her son, Maura silently slipped the gloves on before tipping the cookies of the still warm baking tray into a ceramic bowl, Niall had insisted to use the best and only the best, Maura wondered what had got her soon so captivated in the new arrivals.

Then an idea sparked in Maura's mind, for she knew that they had 3 daughters, maybe her little Ni was getting feelings for the opposite sex, as Maura tried to picture the 3 younger female residents next door she realised that her idea was probably false, as from what she could tell the youngest female resident in there house was about 13 and she knew Her little Ni well enough to know that some one with more that a 5 year age gap would not appeal to him, especially at his age.

"Niall," She called once she had got the last cookie of the baking tray,"do you want to carry the bowl round?" An eager nod came from her 8 year old son, smiling, she handed him the bowl and walked towards the door,

Niall was apprehensive for his first meeting with the raven-haired family's only son. He was so nervous that he forgot to thank his mum when she held the door for him, Niall would always put his manners first but he had other things on his mind and his mother knew this, which was the reason she hadn't bared down on him for this.

As Niall got closer to the house next door he fell this hands start to shake more. A thing that happened when he was nervous or scared. Their house was much like every other house on the street, Cosy probably 3 bedrooms, maybe 2, Niall thought that they would of needed a bigger house, but he knew he was glad that they didn't. Who knows it could be like the tardis.

As they walked up the garden path they could here music coming from What Niall thought must be the kitchen, Maura rung the door bell, They heard it echoing through the house.

Inside the Malik's house, Tricia was dancing round the kitchen, which if any of her children see her they would probably groan and tell her to stop because she was humiliating them, even if there was no one to be humiliated by! Some times ever Tricia doesn't understand her children's logic, but Tricia being Tricia would just carry on.

The children were all scattered around the house. Doniya who is the eldest child, at the grand age of 22 was helping sort the boxes out, she no longer lived with her parents, but was only a couple of miles away, even though she had no car so had to either take the bus or get her parents to pick her up if she wanted to visit as she didn't feel like walking all the way here and back in one day, the reason Niall had thought that she looked 17 was that Doniya simply looked younger than she was, while her other sisters looked older than they are she was the opposite, she had argued meany a time of which one is better, and had come to the conclusion that it depended on how old you are. If you are younger you will want to look older, that is until your about 20 then you want to look younger.

Waliyah who is 15 and Safaa who is 11 sat in the bed room that they shared supposedly sorting out there stuff, but had been distracted by a Nail Polish set they didn't know they had.

Were as there youngest and only son sat in his small bed room, not even bothering to unpack knowing his mum would do it for him. Instead he lay sprawled across the floor pencil in hand, for the young age of ten he really was an excellent drawer,no one with a mind would disagree.

Upon hearing a noise in the garden the young Malik looked out the window, smiling at the sight he saw, the boy from next door, and an elder woman possibly his mum? He wondered when they would come. Springing to his feet and rushing down stairs, passed his bemused older sister, when she was at home it would take a miracle to get Zayn out of his room before or after tea. So to see him so eager would be a shock to everyone, but did zayn care? No.

"I'll get it!" Zayn announced before the doorbell had even rung,most of his family found it weirded to hear zany's voice when it was not needed, maybe it was the move that had brought this new zayn to show but it wasn't, it was a person, and that person was the boy in the window.


Was going to write more but my life is waiting

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