I- Into You

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AU Malec Edit

Alec's POV

"Izzy, for the last time, I do not want to go to this stupid night club."

She looks up at me and raises an eyebrow and slightly scoffs. She's dressed in a two piece red "dress" if that's what you'd call it.

"Oh come on! Alec, you need to get out of this institute. Like now. We've been in here forever, let's just have one night of pure fun. No demons, no downworlder business, no clave business."

She makes a great point. We have been in here for a few weeks doing absolutely nothing but business meetings.

I finally give in and accept her offer. She turns around to face me and squeals and hugs me for a brief moment. Then she proceeds to pull me towards my room.

"Oh come on, you know you're not wearing your gear, okay? There's no reason to."

An hour and a half later...

I look up at the sign hanging above the night club and can already tell I'm going to hate this. The light shining from the sign is so blinding and is pulsing so much, I can't even read what it says. It gives me a headache. I look over at Izzy, and of course she's stoked and practically jumping up and down.

As we enter all I see are dancing bodies, everywhere. The music is very loud and it's not really my type. I look around and notice that Izzy is already gone. Worry starts to cloud my chest, but then I notice her dancing with some guy on the dance floor.

Ew, I'm going to be sick. I need a drink, or two, if I'm going to last the night.

I look over to the right of the building and notice the bar. It's actually not so crowded over there so I decide to just sit down and order a drink.

Magnus's POV

After I finish dancing with this girl, Riley, she asks me to go get her a drink.

"As you wish, my lady."

She simply giggles and pushes me towards the bar while she turns around to head for the bathroom. Charming...

I get up to the bar and order two drinks. As I'm waiting I look to my left and see a guy sitting down at the far end of the bar. He looks very bored, and slightly drunk. But I'm startled at how blue his eyes are when he turns and looks over at me. He only glances for a brief second and then turns back around to the bartender and leans over and whispers something to him.

I can't stop staring. He's so handsome. His striking blue eyes go well with his all black outfit, and his jet black hair. I'm about to get up and go introduce myself when the bartender stops me and hands me a weird drink with a note on it.

"That's from that black haired fellow over at the end of the bar."

I nod at the bartender and mumble a thank you. When I take the note, I open it and it reads in scrawled letters...

"Staring is not polite, you know. You could at least buy me a drink first."

I grin down at the note and decide to go introduce myself. As I get closer he continues to "ignore" me, but somehow I know that he can tell I'm walking towards him. I look down at his wrist and that's when I see it. A rune. He's a shadowhunter. Now when I look back up at him, all I can picture is young Will. He looks so much like him.

I wonder if he's related to him.

I continue to stare at him and he finally turns his head and all I can see are two blue eyes. He's most definitely tipsy because his eyes are slightly glossy.

"Did you not read my note?" The shadowhunter says in a deep, sullen voice. Then turns his head back around and stares at his hands that are entwined together on the table.

"As a matter of fact, I did. I was just coming over here to ask what you like to drink." I reply still openly staring at him. He doesn't seem to mind, or care at all.

Suddenly he whips his head around and has a slight smirk on his face.

"Surprise me, warlock."

I slyly grin at him, as I turn to tell the bartender what to make.

"So what's your name?" I ask as I sit on the closest seat next to him.

Alec's POV

"Alexander Lightwood, but most people call me Alec." I say, with a slight grin.

I hear the warlock whisper my name, and then I'm handed a blue drink. The warlock stops me before I can taste it and he snaps his fingers.

Suddenly the drink has a tiny ball of blue fire erupt from it, and then it's gone within a second, just like that. I know I probably look dumbfounded right now but at the moment I don't care.

That was really cool and this man is really attractive.

And I'm feeling pretty confident.

"So what's your name? Or would you like me to call you 'warlock' for the rest of the night?" I ask with my eyebrow raised. He's definitely a lot prettier than any other warlock I've ever encountered. So I know I've never heard of him as he tells me his name.

"Magnus Babe?" I inquisitively ask.

He just slightly chuckles and looks at me, puzzled, and replies,
"No, no it's Magnus Bane."

I glance back over to him and smile.

"Oh I know, but I like 'babe' better. It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" I smirk.

Magnus just simply laughs and continues to stare at me. He sure does stare at me a lot. Do I have something on my face?

"Do I have something on my face? Why do you keep staring at me like that?" I ask.

"I'm staring because you are incredibly adorable." He states as I feel my cheeks flush. His voice is so smooth. Damn.

This is so strange, but I love it. Flirting, I didn't even know I could do it. I also don't think I'd be still sitting here if I wasn't tipsy.

"Well you know you're not too bad yourself, babe." I smirk as I take a sip from the mysterious blue drink. It's really refreshing, it doesn't burn at all. It's so strange.

Suddenly, Izzy stumbles over to me. She's not drunk, but those heels are not her friend tonight. She looks between Magnus and myself and grimaces.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we need to go Alec, it's Jace."

My blood suddenly turns cold and even while I'm tipsy, my nerves kick in and everything is much more clearer. I turn towards Magnus and go to open my mouth. But he silences me as he raises a finger and places it over my mouth, hushing me.

"I understand, you need to go. But here, take this so that way we can be in touch." He hands me a small card, that has his name and his phone number on it. I smile towards him and nod my head.

"Okay, babe. I'll call you." I smirk as I get up and wink before heading out the door with Izzy.

As we walk out of the club, the cold night air hits me hard. Izzy stops me for a moment and just says,
"Really? 'Babe' ?"

Magnus's POV

I watch as Alec walks off with the girl whom I assume to be his sister. They look too much alike to not be related.

I smile as I sit there for an extra moment, just remembering his face. Then I slowly get up and go outside too, completely forgetting about Riley.


Heyyyy.  Hopefully this is an alright chapter. I like it.

All the love,

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