Finally, We Are In Love

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Finally you could rest. You sat next to Jaehee while sighing, she was looking at the front door, waiting for others customers to come but as you came next to her, her body relaxed and she smiled at you.

"I think we can take a break. Lots of people are working so I guess they won't come here before a few hours."

You nodded while smiling. Jaehee began to talk about some new recipes for coffee drinks. She was very hardworking, always researching new ideas to make new drinks for your customers.

You loved her determination. As you two continue to talk, the clock of the front door rung.

"Oh ! It's him again !" You whispered to Jaehee. "He always comes everyday !"

Jaehee looked at the guy who was coming towards you. She had a slight frown on her face but as the regular closed the gap between you and Jaehee, she smiled at him.

Before he could talk, you repeated the order he always took.

"Hello ! I guess you want a black coffee with some macarons ?"

The man in front of you didn't have the time to talk, he blushed lightly while smiling and nodded.

"Yes. Like always."

Jaehee looked at you smiling at him. Her knuckles became white as she grabbed the counter forcefully and prepared the coffee with a slight pain in her heart.


Jaehee and you were finally getting some rest in your flat. You two were watching a movie silently until Jaehee broke the silence between you and her.

"By the way... This guy who always comes to the shop... Do you know him ?"

You glanced at Jaehee and smiled.

"No, but he seems nice !"

Looking once again at the television, you stopped yourself by eating some popcorn. Your hand stopped mid way and you glanced at Jaehee.

It's been a few weeks since you two became more distant. During work hours, she always talked to you but when you two were alone in the flat, she always avoided you.

Why did she asked this question ? Was she jealous ? Your mind begged it was the second question. You wished she was jealous because you always are when some people flirted or complimented her.


"He came here again..."

The day after, Jaehee was cleaning the table where the regular was. Looking at the tip in addition to the bill, she sighed but her eyes quickly noticed a piece of paper underneath the cup of coffee.


I know you don't know me and I don't know you but... I love your smile.

The first time I came in the coffee shop, I was sad and angry because my work doesn't fit me and when I saw your smile, I felt happy.

After a few months I got a job that I like and I want to thank you for that, because your smile always makes my day.

I come to the coffee shop when I can so like that, I can watch your smile and I know that I'll have a good day.

I'm sorry for the long letter... I got too carried away...

I'll be waiting in front of the shop after it will be closed. You are not forced to come talk to me but I want you to at least know my heart always beats extremely fast each time I see you.

Finally, We Are In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now